Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Killua's POV:

Ding dong bing bong

That bell ment that it was time for lunch. If I hurry I can probably see Gon on the way to lunch. Grabbing my things, I rush out of the classroom and down the halls, skipping through kids as fast as I could until I saw a tall black haired boy ahead of me. He was pushed up against a locker with about two or three kids standing around him while one was holding him down. What the fuck is going on? Getting closer, I was able to make out the situation and hear the students' conversation.

"Where the fuck is your muscle, you damn skeleton?" The kid that was holding Gon down vigorously smashed him back into the locker causing a series of commotion throughout the halls.

"Wha- what do you mean?" Gon looks down, his eyes meeting with the dirty tile floor.

"You heard me you pile of fucking bones, why are you so skinny, you have anorexia or something?"

"Just punch the shit out of him." Suggested one of the kids standing around them. He seemed to be acquainted with the one holding Gon against the locker.

"Good idea, it might make him stronger." Taking the advice, the boy lifted his hand and swung, having the strength of his fist meet Gon's face. Everything was silent for a moment as a crowd of students suddenly started to form around the incident. Gon let his head hang low for a moment before returning himself to make eye contact with the stronger male student. I watched from a distance standing in the hall surrounded by other students, too scared to move at the sight of what was happening. Gon's mouth was bruised and his nose was spilling blood across his face and clothes. 'Do I move, do I help him, what do I do? Why isn't he fighting back? Can I move, what will happen if I do.' Letting my thoughts rush in I began to question whether or not to help him. 'I need to help him, right? I have to.' Feeling my nerves and muscles slowly starting to move again and my feet starting to inch forward into the scene. As soon as I started to move I instantly stopped. A girl with long blond hair wearing a black and red dress and a matching bow approached the boys before I could reach them. She reaches her hand out to the raven hair teen.

"C'mon, grab my hand" the girl says.

"Retz, is that you?" Gon replied. Retz looked at the boy holding him into the locker. The bigger Student instantly let go of Gon and glared at Retz.

"I'm sorry miss, it won't happen again." The bigger boy and his group of friends charged off in the other direction pushing through a crowd of students leaving the girl to take care of Gon. 'Was that kid seriously intimidated by that girl?' Turning my focus to Gon, I noticed he was lying on the floor, leaning himself against the locker, Retz was next to him talking to him in a soothing tone.

"Gon!" I cried out loud before thinking and made my way through the crowd that was starting to descend. Once I reached him I noticed really how bad his injuries were, by this point he wasn't only bleeding from his nose, but his mouth was swollen and his lips were also dripping blood. "Gon, are you- are you okay?! I- I meant to get here sooner but everyone just- they were pushing and shoving-" I kept stumbling over my words, I was just in so much shock to see Gon getting into a fight. Getting beat up and bloodied. Why? Gon is.. the nicest person I know. Why would he be hated by anyone? Jealousy maybe?

"I'm okay." Gon responded.

"Help me lift him up, we can take him to the nurse." Retz said this while drawing her arm around Gon. I did the same and together we helped Gon to his feet. We walked with Gon until we reached the nurse's office where we let Gon down onto a chair. Retz ran over to grab supplies that we could use to help patch up Gon's face. "What exactly happened out there?"

'I wanted to know the same thing. I've been questioning it since the start, what the hell happened out there? Why were they bullying him? How did Retz get to him before me? Right. Because I was stuck standing still and watching it happen. Stupid.

"Gon.. Why did they do that?" He looked everywhere around the room before finally deciding to meet eyes with me.

"Because people just like to be mean..."

He wasn't wrong, he was speaking the truth. Some people don't care how nice you are, they just want to do whatever makes them entertained even if it makes them a shitty person. That made my blood boil. Raising from my chair I clench my fist in anger as my instinct told me to beat those boys up until they couldn't do anything but cry, but the thing is I'm too weak so it's not like I'll be much help, in fact I'll probably be putting Gon in worse trouble. I was going to say something, well, more like I wanted to say something, but I just couldn't find the words. I hated the fact that I was crying in front of the two, especially Gon. I was weak compared to him, no matter what those boys said. Before I could even stutter words out, Retz was already on it, by his side comforting him and tending to the last of his injuries

"Gon, I'm so sorry! That's so dumb! Maybe I could walk you to your classes next time?" She whined, giving the other a frown while I just stood on the sidelines.

"Maybe that could help!" he says smiling, putting his fist in his palm.

Retz shakes her head in joy that Gon agreed to her suggestion, it didn't sound like a bad idea and it would protect Gon... but for some reason I felt a little anger in myself for being the one to want to walk with him. I don't know why I even care to be honest. It's my fault, I should've gone up to help him instead of being such a wuss.

They both get up and get ready to head over to the principal's office. Gon walks past me and winks, leaning closer to me and whispers,

"I think I have a chance, dude!" He chuckled, feeling on the verge of nearly asking for him to just walk with me instead and say sorry for not helping as soon as I could before things got escalated. I just decide to chuckle back, knowing it's fake and really I just feel like crying.


Gons pov:

I was in Aunt Mito's car on the way home. 'I can't believe they sent me home.' I thought quietly while looking out the window. When we pulled into the driveway I jumped out the car pulling my bookbag onto my back.

"Oh ya, there's something I have to tell you" Aunt Mito shouted when I already had my hand on the doorknob. Not being able to process what she had said in time I swung open the door.

"What the fuck," I said stopping dead in my tracks.

Ging was standing in the middle of the room with his eyes fixed on the figure in the doorway.

"What the hell are you still doing here!" He shouted.

"What are you doing here, I live here, you're not supposed to be here!" I shouted back just as angry.

Aunt Mito pushed her way around me and interrupted the hostile greetings.

"Ging decided to show up a few days earlier."

"Why are you still living here aren't you supposed to be living by yourself now." Ging snapped.

"I was working on that before you decided to pay your little visit, don't worry I'll be staying somewhere else while you're here!"

"Good, I don't have to stay with a murderer in the house!"