Chapter 11

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Gon’s POV: 

I sat on the couch covered in blankets comfortably holding my eyes on the tv. 
‘I wished he stayed longer.’ 
Just then I heard a knock on the door. 
‘Who the hell is here at 11:30 at night’ 
I walked to the door wondering who was knocking, checking the peephole to make sure it wasn’t some crazy serial killer. I saw a ball of white hair.
Immediately opening the door I greeted the boy who had a very nervous, embarrassed smile across his face. 
“H-hey, I accidentally left Alluka’s leftover food here.”
“Oh, come in and you can grab it!” I said while moving myself to the side and allowing Killua to walk through.
“I set it in the cabinets to keep it safe, I forgot which one though so you’ll just have to check all of them.”
“Okay!” Killua said while smiling as he started to open up the first cabinet.
I stood by and watched Killua check through cabinets. All of sudden a small vibration was heard from the other side of the kitchen where Killua was checking the cabinets. I watched him look down and pick up my phone where I had left it. He stared at the screen for a moment before tapping it and setting it back down with the vibration stopping. 
“What was that? Did someone call me?” I asked.
“Yea, don’t worry about it, just a spam caller.” 
Killua returned to checking the cabinets and finally I saw his face light up with triumph.
“Found it!” Killua said excitedly. He stood up and started to head towards the door where I was close by.I watched killua's face turn from happiness to terror as his feet ran into each other and his body slowly made its way towards the ground. 

A loud crash was heard throughout the ground of the motel when Killua's face finally made contact with the tile flooring of the kitchen. 
“KILLUA, ARE YOU OKAY!” I shouted as I rushed to help him off the floor. 
Killua started to lift himself to his knees and showed a face of confusion. He put his hand behind his ear and immediately burst into fear and began searching the floor for his lost item. I looked beside me to find the small hearing aid on the floor. I picked it up gently and placed it in my hand while tapping on killuas shoulder to get his attention. He looked at me and I could tell he felt relieved to see the hearing aid in my hand. I set it down in my lap and motioned my hands in the form of sign language trying my best from what I had learned. 

*Are okay*

Killua stared at my hands in confusion but seemed to understand what I was trying to say.
“GIVE ME THAT!” He yelled. I thought he was mad but then I remembered he can’t hear himself so he doesn’t know how loud he’s actually being. 
He snatched the hearing aid out my lap and placed it in his ear before responding. 
“Yea I’m fine and you also forgot to say “you” when you did that.
“Oh sorry.” I giggled and gave an awkward smile.
I looked at killua's face and noticed a bruise on the side of his lip. 
“Oh are you okay, does it hurt?” I asked. 
“No, not too badly, I’ll be fine.” He said before changing the conversation.
“So you really weren’t kidding about the whole sign language thing.” 
“No of course not, you're my friend so I should be able to talk to you when you can’t hear me.” 
Killua just gave a small smile and looked down at where he fell to see the bag crushed from his weight being on top of it. 
“Damnit,” he said as he picked up the bag and stood to his feet.
“I really should be going now.” He said.
“O-okay,” I rushed to grab the door and give killua a goodbye again as I watched him leave my motel and make his way to his car. 

Killuas POV: 
 ‘God that was the most embarrassing thing ever.’ I thought while opening my car door and stepping inside. Kalluto was there to greet me when I finally sat down. 
“Took you long enough, were you giving him kisses or something?” 
“What? No, it just took me a sec to find the food.” 
I tossed the now crushed bag of food next to me and looked back to see Alluka had fallen asleep. 
‘Good, now I don’t have to explain to her how it was crushed.’ I started up the car and began to pull out while thinking about what previously happened. 
‘Why did Retz call him?- If I'm being honest I don't know why he didn't just ask me to drive him to school and work.. I would've done it plus I bet my car is even nicer… and I'm already his friend!' I rolled my eyes. 'What's most concerning though… 'I take a deep breath
'shit!' I turned my head to the back of the car to make sure my loud sudden question hadn't woken my little sister up from her sleep. 'Wow killua… this is getting reallll pathetic man… pull yourself together stop worrying over small things that aren't even remotely related to you. '
I focus myself back to the road in front of me before my next thoughts appear in my blank mind. 
'But y'know… how come my sudden worries have been relating to gon and...hirotami..'


 I pulled into the driveway of my house and turned off the car before stepping out. Kalluto rushed inside while I went to the other side of the car to wake up Alluka and grab the smashed bag of food.
 Once we were all inside I made sure Alluka was tucked into bed and found Kalluto in his room getting ready to sleep. I walked back to my room where I changed my clothes into something more comfortable and crawled myself into bed. I reached behind my ear and pulled out the small hearing aid placing it on the night stand before turning myself onto my back and staring up at the ceiling. I held my eyes on the ceiling letting time pass, waiting for sleep to arrive. 

Gon’s POV: 

 I sat on the couch of my motel room holding the phone in front of my face listening to aunt mito talk. An aggressive growl came from her end of the phone. 
“Oh do you want to see kon?” Aunt Mito asked.
“Yeah!” I responded.
Aunt Mito called for Kon and lowered the phone to show a small almond colored dog excitedly barking. 
“Hey, Kon! You look so cute!” I smiled when I saw the small puppy being so excited. 
When Kon recognised my voice he started to get even happier and began lightly licking the screen of the phone which made me smile more. When Kon had finished taking up the entire screen of the phone Aunt Mito lifted it back up to her face and wiped  the screen off a few times with a cloth before she returned to asking me questions about the motel and what's going on with school. 
“So did you figure out an easy way for you to get to school and work yet?” She asked.
“Ya, a friend of mine named Retz offered to drive me!” I responded.
“That’s good, you have a way to get around now at least.” 
“Also, My friend, Killua, the one who lost the hearing aid I had, came over with his two siblings last night and we sat together and ate McDonald’s.”
“How did that go?”
“It was good, his sister, Alluka ended up spilling her milk all over the carpet!” I said with a smile while remembering the accident from the previous night.
Aunt mito giggled and announced that she would be ending the call. After giving her a goodbye I hung up the phone and returned my attention to the tv that was playing in front of me.