chapter 13

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Killua's POV: 
“Thanks again for driving me,” Gon said as I started to approach the place Gon needed to be.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” 
I pulled into the parking lot of the building and drove up to the door. When I had reached a complete stop I gave Gon time to get out of the car, that’s when I noticed a tall black haired boy standing near the door. ‘Illumi? Why is he here?’
“Hey, Gon.”
“What is it?”
“Who is that boy over there-“ I said pointing to Illumi.
“-do you work with him?”
Gon turned to where I was pointing before giving me an answer.
“Ya, that’s Illumi, he’s my co-worker.”
“Hmm.” Was the only response I gave in return. ‘Why is Gon working with my brother?’ 
“Alright, bye Killua!” Gon stated before closing the car door and heading in the direction of the building. When he reached the front door Gon turned back to look at me and I gave him a wave goodbye. 
 I watched silently as Gon made his way inside with Illumi following behind him. ‘God I fucking hate this, how could Illumi and Gon be working at the same place.’


Stepping out of my car I begin to go over in my head what just happened. 
Once I step up to the doormat finding my key to unlock the black thick door I hear a blood curdling scream coming from the inside. 'That sounds like alluka!!' I rush myself shaking, opening the door, then running inside, nearly tripping over my own feet multiple times. 'God!! Why is it so dark in here? Why would they need to have the lights off?! '

 Still running across the dark wooden creaky floors I reach the room where the two children were in. I stop to catch my breath, my eyes skatter across the room putting pieces together to figure out what the issue was. 
"STOP KALLU-" alluka starts. 
"SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE SOMEONE ELSE DEAF, BRAT!!" kalluto shouts clearly angry but tears fall down both of their faces. 
"KALLUTO ZOLDYCK! STOP IT NOW SHE'S YOUR SISTER! "I shout at kalluto who has Alluka's thick black hair in the tight clutches of his hands. 
" SO WHAT! SHE HURT YOU!!" Kalluto pulls Alluka's hair tighter and grabs the silver scissors by his leg. 


The scissors make impact with the wooden floor from me smacking them from the little boy's hand. 
"That's enough kalluto let her go." I stare at kalluto dead in the eyes as he starts crying even more running away into his room.

 Once I had finally gotten my little sister to stop hyperventilating I started my questions.
“Alluka I need explanations please.” Moving the black thin bangs from her eyes she looks down at her hands holding the few black threads of hair kalluto managed to rip from her head.
“Big brother..” she sniffles.
“I don’t want to tell on him...wouldn't he just hate me more?..I don’t want brother kalluto to hate me!” She cries running off into her room slamming the door behind her.

Sitting alone on the cold floor I shove my hands onto my face.
*ring ring*
I dig my hand inside of my pocket pulling out my phone.
‘oh it’s Gon’ I smile for a moment but it quickly fades realizing this isn't the time to be so happy.
I swipe my hand across the answer button.
“Hey, Killua, I'm finished with work here, you mind picking me up? hehe..” I notice the nervous smile on his face answering his question.
“yeah..Uhm something kinda went down here I’ll tell you more about it but sure i’ll be right there.” 
“Great!” Gon says giving a thumbs up leading with a smile.

“So yeah quick way to sum it up, Kalluto ripped out Allukas hair and whatnot and Alluka won’t tell me why..” I look at Gon, holding the bag of pastries and warm coffee Gon had been nice enough to give me.
“I see, did she say why-?” Gon started.
“I told you, were you no-” 
“No, I mean did she say WHY she won’t tell you..?” Gon say’s, looking worried.
“Yes, but I don’t understand!” 
“Why? what did she say exactly..?” Gon asked.
“She said she didn’t want kalluto to get in trouble because he would hate her? I don’t get it. Why would she want to protect someone after they hurt her like that?” I ask, showing a confused but yet concerned look.
“Killua...Alluka still loves Kalluto, Kalluto seems like he doesn’t understand that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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