chapter 23

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With sonmin's permission jungkook took an unconscious taehyung to her cabin

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With sonmin's permission jungkook took an unconscious taehyung to her cabin..he layed him on the couch near by and ler him rest their....

he then looked up to see his surroundings.. sonmin's cabin was of airy blue colour, beautifully decorated with a vase with flowers green in colour a white table and chair which was airy blue in colour too...

A side chair which was covered with a zebra stripped cloth and the same zebra style curtains hung on the window a big photo frame at the back of the head of the chair..some books, few cabinets which were closed and an old style telephone for decoration maybe...he decided to inform eunjin about taehyung's health...

She picked the call in the second dial.. he explained her what exactly happened..

the boy could hear the soft and wavering voice of the woman..
She told him it was something taehyung suffered since child..

a little trauma due to some funny incidents during hide and seek...

one of their cousin locked him up and forgot about it, later at night he was found unconscious there...

Jungkook felt something burning inside about a certain person he dosen't know about after hearing all those.. he sat beside taehyung on the floor...

Staring at him... It's his first time he has ever seen taehyung from so close..

His lashes cupping his cheeks, apple of cheeks fading red due to not getting the proper amount of oxygen, his lips pointed out almost like a pout..

Jungkook didn't noticed when he was so close to taehyung's face, lips sinfully close to the elders, a little push and their lips will touch, taehyung won't even know about it, nothing is wrong, just a little push and he will feel those plump lips of the unconscious man...

A sudden vibration of his phone pulled him out of his trans, hastily backing away, he felt exposed same feeling when a kid caught by his mother when stealing cookies from the cookie jar..

A sudden rush of guilt washed over him, he shuddered a little and shook his head repeating sorry's

God was he actually was going to kiss his boss? So shameful of him!!

He picked his phone and saw it was the message from head chemist of the lab..
He almost forgot about the sample testing but he can't just live taehyung here in this condition, but he also can't be here with taehyung or he won't be able to control his need...

He pulled his hair from one of his hand and bit his other hand to lower down his shouting  and internal pain..

What was happening to him? He has never felt like this before...he felt like he was going mad!! He had the audacity to touch his boss, his friend..he was disgusting to do that or even to think about that..

It almost felt like his body was involuntary not in his control,
He felt a lot of emotions inside of him..It almost felt like there was a sudden increase in gravity..which was pulling him down, pinning him down on the floor..

He heard some groaning from taehyung's side and looked over him to see taehyung slowly gaining his consciousness..

And jungkook felt releif inside not only because taehyung was alright also because now he won't have the courage to do something bad
He rushed towards him, and helped him sit up a little, gave him some water and then again sat beside him..

"Are you all right?" That was the first thing he said while looking down, not having the courage to look at the other, a prominent blush on his cheeks.."I'm alright jungkook" he heard taehyung say..

They sat their in silence, jungkook looking down taehyung looking at the gorgeous male infront of him...

"Taehyu--" jungkook was cut off when a pair of lips were attached on his own.. his eyes wide...he felt taehyung move away hesitantly.."i-i am sorry.. I shouldn't have done that without your consent, I'm so--" this time jungkook cut off taehyung by putting his own lips on the others, his arms circling taehyung's neck..soon the elder male put him on his lap..

Their lungs were burning in need of oxygen, own souls having the need to just devour the other in an instant, their own mind playing with them, their body getting restless, a ball of butterfly taking place in their stomach,

Taehyung detached himself from the blonde...
He saw how  the boy was panting for air, cheeks, neck and ears red, eyes dropping tiredness and tears of pleasure, mouth a little apart, lips swollen red, a string of saliva lurking down his chin..

He smiled at him...

"Wanna go on a date petal?"

He he he🙈🙈🙈🙈

I know...I told no taekook here but c'mon aren't we all nothing but thirsty for some taekook moments?

Don't tell me you don't like them:(

Btw while reading this chapter, I almost thought this was some old classic novel😁😁..

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