chapter 33

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It been two weeks now since taehyung has been discharged from the hospital a lot of things have happened in the span of 14 days.. the launch which everybody thought will flop has been touching skies due to its new sense of fashion, fair beauty components and the most important the collaboration of the top 4 empires of Korea..
The press was after the launch was very hectic.. the reporters were bombarding them with questions about taehyung being hospitalized... and the most trending headline..
'Kim taehyung the ceo of one of the most known corporation: a foe or friend?' all this had raged jungkook to am extent he couldn't really hold luckily jiha and eunjin were a great help there.. the press was without taehyung's presence but was handled very calmly and cautiously by jongsuk and jimin..
Daniel was taken to the rehab before prison.. his punishment was 25 years of prison rather than a death penalty because the authorities found out dani was secretly giving Daniel morphine and few other high effective drugs, she was  charged on molesting him for many years and was taken to a los Angeles, admitted to a asylum until death..
The company was taken under the government after a fair raid..
Everyone had to give a statement at the court since they had worked with her and known her...
Hoseok and y/n had moved out already and that day was a mess jungkook was wailing while grasping hoseok like there is no tomorrow while y/n just patted his head.. while controlling her laugh.. when reached at the airport everyone cried even jongsuk shed a tear or two..
Jiha went back too and it was the same drama that day too.. but this time it was jimin wailing around the airport.. the paparazzi clicked a few photos of him crying on the airport while holding to jiha's pant.. and jiha was trying to kick him off while keeping a smile on her face but clearly looked annoyed and done... So atlast she kicked jimin hard and went aboard shouting 'ill be back soon Goblin'..
Laughter errupted the whole room while jimin sulked at the side of the couch.. the photos clicked by the paparazzi were displayed on the tv..
" Seriously..h-hyung noona looks so done with you.." jungkook said while laughing.. "oh shut up you SpongeBob.. like you didn't do the same" replied jimin while throwing a pillow at him.. which was swiftly caught by jungkook..
After taehyung got discharged, the group decided to throw a party and by party they meant watching SpongeBob and peppa pig while teasing jimin and jungkook and eating variety of flavours of pizza...
It was almost midnight when everyone left but jungkook was with taehyung.. and he was going to live with taehyung until he is fully recovered.. he is gonna nurse him instead of the doctors.. well being in the hospital for a nice 10 to 12 da us jungkook had learned enough to become an part-time nurse at some hospital.. right now jungkook was helping taehyung to walk to the bed.. even though taehyung could walk nicely jungkook still forced him to believe that he can't walk and should take his help.. laying taehyung on the fluffy mattress of the bed.. he sighed.. and went towards the closet to get himself some cloths.. "hey little nursie" yes that's what taehyung has been calling jungkook from the past 2 weeks to tease jungkook but all jungkook felt was shyness when he said that with his deep voice which fell an octave lower.. so he just hummed in response.. " c'mere" he called jungkook.. jungkook left his clothes on the chair near the mirror and walked towards taehyung with a lazy smile on his face.. he saw taehyung was opening his arms for him to be scooped in so he did exactly what he did but maintained a fair amount of distance to which taehyung only rolled his eyes and pulled him closer making jungkook let out a suprise squeak.. "tae.. be careful.." he said trying to get back again but fell down when the brunette pulled him with double force... "Just for your information nursie... The doctors said I'm totally fine.. im fine and healthy and already recovered.. why are you being so cautious around me? I don't like the distance you know..." Taehyung said and pushed his face into jungkook's neck inhaling his intoxicating smell... And hummed when jungkook caressed his hair.. "I'm not being distant just a little careful tae..I don't wanna hurt you.."
To that taehyung just kissed jungkook's neck while mumbling "you can never.. sweetheart" and jungkook just sighed at the contact immediately giving taehyung access for his skin..
Taehyung was giving him sloppy kisses all over his neck and jaw.. and it was getting hard for jungkook to keep in the sound.. and he just moaned when taehyung kissed a spot behind his ear and his whole face became red... Taehyung's eyes wide.. what did he just hear? This melodious sound which made his length twitch in anticipation.. and he kissed the spot there again messily impatient to hear the same sound again.. and jungkook moaned again but this time.. a little louder.. turning their positions a little so that jungkook was layed down on the bed while his legs attached to taehyung's waist and hands to his neck while taehyung hovered over him kissing and painting his skin like it was a blank canvas waiting to be filled with colours.. the smell of jasmine and amber coming from jungkook was arousing taehyung....
Opening his shirts button slowly one by one aNd kissing all the way down and stopping near his buds.. it was all stretching in and out due to jungkook breathing heavily.. his chest heaving up and down due to not getting the access to breathe..  taehyung attached his lips to the alluring red coloured petal of jungkook which was soft.. probably the softest part of jungkook's body..
Ok so guys the next chapter consists of smut.. and my next story will be of magic au, I've been planning the story for a while so I hope I get good response I'll upload the story in a few days..❤️❤️❤️💜💜💜

Wow---😳😳😳 did the story was this good enough to get such response?

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Wow---😳😳😳 did the story was this good enough to get such response?

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