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🥴✍️📚 a u t h o r' s  n o t e📚✍️🥴

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🥴✍️📚 a u t h o r' s n o t e📚✍️🥴

istg y'all need holy water. anybody u want an ff of? aftercare anyway <33

🌻🌈🎉e n j o y🎉🌈🌻


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His face was surprisingly soft, it infatuated you. To compare, it could've been more softer than pillows. The softness felt dreamy, like out of a fairy tale. It was soft enough for you to worry it might shatter from it's fragileness. It had so much potential as a stress reliever though.

But Sukuna was giving you dirty looks. As he saw your eyes glint with fascination, he felt like some experimental animal for a mad scientist to play with. He didn't like the interpretation. Yet, he couldn't help but feel relaxed with the warmth of your hands caressing his face. It somehow felt like he found his lost home. A home he never knew he had.

"What skin care do you use?" you broke the silence, with a joke. Sukuna gave you a look. A what-gibberish-are-you-speaking-now? look. You forgot to take into account that this man wasn't modern-ish. When it hit you that he didn't know what it was, you nervously chuckled. "Sorry, modern things."

"Are you asking me what I do with my face?" he asked, a confused look in his face. You nodded, letting yourself get lost in the softness of his face. "Well yeah, but I kinda meant it as a joke."

"I remember putting it in aloe shit.." he said. You took a moment to adore his expression, it was genuinely confused, yet it looked like a masterpiece. "I don't know, I forgot."

You nodded, but silence came back with an awkward filter. The both of you just laying down on the floor, using his arm as a pillow while the other was wrapped around your waist. You had your hand on his chest while the other was on his cheek. You had nothing to talk about. It felt like being in front of class with nothing to say. Soon, it was his turn to break the silence.

"Don't you get sleepy when you get out of here?" he asked, trying to make small talk. You looked at him, his red ruby eyes fixated on the ceiling. You nodded hesitantly before saying :

"Sort of, but that's what I feel almost every day." You said. "So it's no biggie." He hummed in affirmation, his eyes finally looking at yours. Now that you gave it more thought, they were enchanting. How different shades of red mixed together could make such heaven. It could've been mistaken as Da Vinci's work.

"Do you wanna sleep?" He asked. You glanced at him before nodding, nuzzling in his side. You closed your eyes and he closed his, the both of you greeting each other's body warmth with comfort. "Sleep tight, Princess."

When you woke up, you were back in your room.

When you woke up, you were back in your room

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