Interlude : Ymir

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3rd POV




Ymir has never been this confused in her long life. If you had told her that she would meet someone else in the path that is not one of her descendants, she would have just ignored you.

And yet, here she is. In front of her is a young dark-skinned woman, who seems to be in her early twenties. She was hugging Ymir. Yes, you heard right, hugging.

Ymir blinked at the odd woman, not that she could see the action as her eyes were hidden by the shades of her bangs.

"How are you??? Are you okay??? YOU'RE SO ADORABLE!!!" The odd woman Glomped the smaller one.

"Who are you...?" Ymir spoke in a quiet voice, confused about the sudden situation she was suddenly in.

"Ah!" the woman quickly put distance between them " Sorry! Forgot you guys are not used to easy affection!" she awkwardly laughed. " My name is Colith, Or Mother if you want but whatever- Nice to meet you, Ymir!!" She made a silly pose, which reinforced the blond's confusion.

Ymir just stared at her, not comprehending how and why was...Colith..? here. "How...?" It was the first time in years, she had seen someone else and this woman wasn't even a member of the Royal bloodline in the path, so she didn't know what to do or what to expect since it seemed like her powers would not work on this...Mother? There was still this man who had inherited the Beast Titan and had Royal blood, Who would appear times to times but couldn't do anything since he didn't have the founding titan's powers.

Colith just chuckled "You would not believe me if I told you." she sat down on the sand, patting next to her "Would you like to hear it anyway? Only if you want to of course!" She grinned.

The little blonde stood silent for a moment, before taking a seat next to the giddy woman. She proceeded to explain who she was and why she was here, saying that she would like to help her descendants, stop a 'bunch' of things from happening and gain a...Harem? This woman was so...intriguing. It seemed like she was the one messing with the titans down here. Ordering them to not eat their people. This was..truly a nice turn of events if she had to say.

Ymir found the woman's tales amusing. She would hear about, flying overpowered men that could destroy planets, a human containing a fox? And a sunshine boy whose quest was to save his sister from a curse, And other things. Truly interesting tales.

"You are very amusing, Colith..." Ymir smiled slightly.

The woman gasped audibly, fake shock on her face "YOU SHOULD SMILE MORE! YOU'RE SUPER CUTE!"

The blonde chuckled in mirth. It was the first time since... She doesn't know, she felt a positive emotion. Everything was dull, lonely, and sad while she was stuck here, following the king's Will. Colith noticed the blonde's sudden silence. She put a hand on Ymir's head, to the girl's surprise.

"You know that... You don't need to follow that prick's will, right ?" Colith said, looking at the tree of light, a frown on her face. "His decision only made things worse for everyone. Leaving a part of his people in the hands of Marley and fleeing with the others on an island to then, erase their memories..." she then directed her gaze towards Ymir "But you already knew that..." she smiles sadly at the blonde who looked down.

"I...I have no choice in the matter...he is my king-"

"But this power is yours, Ymir." She interrupted carefully. " He just used you to do his bindings. I know that in your time, the King's voice is absolute and you had to follow whatever the hell he would say, but..." She headpats the blonde fondly "with the powers that you gained, you could've kicked his ass to oblivion."

Ymir snorted as the dark-skinned woman cackled. " No but seriously! Men are idiots that only think with their meat sticks! Would've cut his off and ran away." she wiped a tear of mirth from her eye." What I'm trying to say is that you still have the power to free yourself from him. You just need the right person to help you with that." a fond smile grazed her lips.

"....Eren..." Ymir muttered a newfound hope rose in her. She looked at Colith in awe and admiration. How many times had she wanted to hear this from someone... This strange... No, Mother wanted her to be free...And happy...

"I...I will think" the blonde admitted finally. "I uh... Thank you...for telling me this.."

Colith took her hands in hers "Don't worry! I just wanted you to know that you won't be alone anymore!" She grinned cheerfully. "I'll come to visit you whenever I have the time! So we can chit-chat! And if you want... Become friends!" her grin never left her face.

Ymir smiled, a genuine smile she hadn't had in years. "It is fine by me.."

The taller one bear-hugged the smaller one, once again.
'This is...comforting...' Ymir thought, appeased. She had never received this kind of treatment before.

She released the blonde "I'll tell you more about my world next time! But..." an excited look appeared suddenly "can I design a soon-to-be titan??"

Ymir blinked before fondly shaking her head, sighing. "Sure, why not? That could be interesting.."

The other woman jumped in glee as if she wasn't a powerful being at all and started drawing on the sand while cackling like an idiot. The blond watched her silently.

'Thank you..'


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