Chapter 19.

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Ight now that it's done, I'm pretty sure Armin will figure out who I am, or maybe not since the titan who ate me got his ass handed to him by Eren. I kinda felt bad for Timmy, but it was necessary. Walking further in the district, I came across several soldiers and saved a lot of them. Some of them kept tryin to end me but I just continued on my way after saving them.

Haha, the face they made when their blades broke on my neck almost made me laugh since I had reinforced my skin to the point of being indestructible. It took a lot of energy to keep it ngl but it was starting to annoy me to get attacked whenever I came across a group of soldiers who were baiting titans.

'Can't they be thankful? Argh!'

I huffed slightly, walking toward a titan who was about to gobble a cadet and punched its head before swiftly catching the frightened girl in my hand.

"N-NO!! RELEASE ME! Y-YOU MONSTER!!!", She screeched wildly as tears and snout recovered her face. This was sad.

I sighed, simply putting her on a nearby roof, not before replenishing her gas and blades with my powers. "W-What ?!" She widened her eyes when she noticed the change in her gear before lifting her head toward my disappearing figure as I walked away.

This continued for a while until I felt Eren's second transformation and noticed steam coming from the interior of wall Rose. It seemed like the boy just protected the two like in canon.

'Eh, bummer I'm stuck here for now..'

All the soldiers had retreated to the interior leaving the city to the titans who were fewer thanks to yours truly. Knowing what would happen in the next few minutes, I found myself sitting, quietly leaning against a building a few meters away from the boulder Eren will come to carry. I closed my eyes for a moment, thinking about plans that I would come to do...which was until I heard several ODM gears nearing the boulder position. I looked up to see four garrison soldiers circling me, Oya?

One of them, a young man with red hair, shouted at me as he was trembling with fear :

"H-HEY! UH, TITAN! W-WE HAVE ORDERS TO WATCH YOU! SO IF YOU HAPPEN TO BE AN ALLY OF HUMANITY, YOU BETTER STand back, and be YOU HEAR ME?" His voice faltered at the end but finished with a yell to show he had balls.

I just blinked because what the hell did you want me to say honestly? This was to be expected since Armin must've told them about me, and maybe the soldiers I saved too. I turned my giant head to look at each of them as they all flinched when my eyes landed on them.

"Whatever." It was neither a 'yes' nor a 'no' because I honestly didn't give a shit lmao. My answer startled them since it looked like they weren't expecting it. I saw some of them blush probably because of my voice and raised a brow towards the previously yelling redhead who seemed to have trouble looking into my eyes.

'Guys, I know my titan form is pretty and everything, but come ooooon.'

I was about to chuckle until Jeagerbomb transformed and nearly rendered everyone deaf with his roar.

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