Profiles 2.0

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Authors Note: I wanted to have another page of profiles to further explain the main character Mei and the supporting main Character Iris. You will learn their personalities, strengths, weaknesses, some relationships and a bit of their past. (nothing too big tho. NO SPOILERS) Possible images of the charcter might come out too, who knows. (It's a BIG MIGHT)

Mei Sasaki


 Kind-hearted, determined,  strong-willed, caring, lovable, sarcastic at times, cocky, cold to people who treat her or her friends poorly and she can be mean and ruthless when she needs to be


Close-range fighting. She is better in these kinds of fights since she is trained in many different combat styles and she won't need to rely on her quirk as much. 

She always keeps her word and it very determined thus, you can trust and rely on her all the time. 

Her quirk is her strength and weakness. Her quirk is very powerful and will make her do great things when she expanded on her limits.


Whenever there is a situation that threatens her friends or family she will become very overwhelmed causing ehr to not think clearly.

She has a weakness in far-range fighting. She needs to use her quirk for this kind of fighting style which will cause her to weaken. 

She has a hard time reading other people's emotions since she was mostly isolated from society all her life and this can cause her to say hurtful things without knowing. 

Her quirk makes her super weak and that is her weakness from her quirk. In the wintertime, her light energy power is weaker than usual and vice versa in the summertime. (This will be explained in a future chapter. She learned so new things about her quirk.)


Mei is close to her sister Iris since she is one of the only people she was ever around when she was a child.

She gets in contact with two people from her past that she had forgotten about. One of them will become another love interest.

Mei's father's name is Yuri Sasaki. They don't have the best relationship. (Can't say too much right now. But there will be some future chapters dedicated that explain their relationship.)

Mei and her mother were very close when she was younger. Once the family was separated they lost all contact and only spoke when they saw each other during the short summers. Mei has never thought about her mother much, but she thought she was a nice person since that is how Aurora treated Mei when she saw her. 

Mei has a love interest at the moment which is Denki. Future love interest(s) to come. (No spoilers, so thats all I am saying)

Background (not sayng much cause SPOILERS)

Mei moved to Canada at the age of four with her father. The sepration occured because on unkown causes. The twins know nothing since their parents won't tell them what happened. She was homeschooled so that she could focus on traing and work, as forced upon by her father. Many of har traits she has now were developed because of her past.

Iris Sasaki


Overprotective of Mei, bold, sarcastic, cocky, determined, strong-willed and hearted. She suffers from depression and abuse. She had therapy for her mental health and is taking anti-depressent pill. (More on this in future chapter.)


Although it may not seem like it right now, her quirk is very strong. When she was younger she was never able to control her quirk because it was too owerful. Over time she was taught to control it but sometimes  she still loses control. She was never shown what her full extent of her quirk is like, so she has no idea of the kind of power she has. 


If she uses her quirk too much her hand get cramps and it will become very painfull. Strings shoot from her finger tips so she she can also sometimes get blisters and burn herself from the friction. (Sounds like costume enhanment will come soon!!!!)

Iris has learned how to keep her emotions in check and has no big weaknesses. Her sister and loved ones are not a weakness because she believes in them and she doesn;t liek to show much emotion. 


THE LOVE INTEREST TO COME!!!!!!!! She is a walking godess. She is very attractive and catches the attention of many men. Her looks more plain than her sisters but it is her attitude and unique personailty that attracts others. 

We have only met one love interest as of right now which is Sero. 

Ex-boyfriend is named Sato Sohma. They never broke up, but due to an accidnet she lost him forever. This causes compliction in her love life. (More on this in the next section.)

She is overprotectove of her sister beacsue she is the only family she has left that she can't stand losing. (Dw, she loves grandma Sasaki too.) She lost her mother and her first love, so she became attached to idea of protecting Mei at all costs. 


Her mother was a diffuclt women to deal with after the family seperation. Iris offten found heself having to clean up after her mother messes and paying some of her debts. There were times when the two were really close, and when Mei was 14 her mother was at her prime. 

Aurora commited suicide due to unknown reasons. Iris had gotten very close to her mom the past few years and was devested when she died. She moved in with her grandmother and that is how ended up there. 

Sato Sohma is two years older than Iris. Them met in elementary school and became best friends. Due to her uncoltrolled quirk people around her misjudged her and thought her quirk is more villainous. Sato's quirk was kind of simillar. He was able to control someones body if he is at least 5 ft close to them. This kindered a friendship between the two, then they eventually staarted dating when they were in middle school at the age of 13 and 15. Sato died the summer that Mei came to Japan.

Due to her loses, she is afraid of love and losing poeple. She already lost two people she was close to and never wanted to lose anyone else. She feels that is people start to know her and get close, then she will lose them one day and expeicne that pain all over again. 

Authors Note: Chapter 6 will come very soon. Either today or later this week. It is much longer one than usual but we love long chapters right? I hope this helped to undertsnad the chracters more and follow through with any character development that will occur. 

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