Chapter 2. Weird kid

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[A/N]: Picture is Keith :33

Isaac huffs and curses under his breath as he walks out of the building, looking arround for the 'Ocean' building, wich was at his left. Stupidly enough, it was not underwater, it was like a tank with a weird sistem to walk inside. He shrugged and kept walking to it.

"Floor" he looked at the elevators, bah..he hated these. He pressed the button for it to go down and soon enough did. He was about to walk straight in when he bumped into someone hard.

The person grimaces when he's bumped into by a freshman, glaring down at the boy with his sharp purple eyes. He flicked his tail with interest, deciding to make conversation with the boy. He didn't know everyone at the school like his friends did but he couldn't remember even seeing him through the hallway, considering he skips most of the time with Luc. He grinned. "Watch where you're going. Who even are you, fresh meat?"

Isa looks up at the tall boy as he speaks in a low voice.

"-I was just...going to my class..I'm really sorry.."

The guy smirks and glances around to see nobody down the hallway currently "You're already late.. What class are you going to?" He snickered "You'll fuck up college for yourself pulling shit like this you know? My name's Keith."

Isaac looks rather nervous, arm clutched tight arround his books and his feet click with eachother slowly.

"Mine's Isaac..I was just uh...lost, I'm supposed to be at B4 merfolk right now..

He raised an eyebrow "So you are fresh meat then? Mm, take the next hallway on the right , there are the B classrooms. No friends to guide you?" He scoffed as he began to grin again, flicking his tail in amusement. "Fish people are so ignorant."

"I'm not ignorant!"  Isaac raised his voice. "I just haven't met anyone yet here. The only new encounter I got was with a douche who just scolded me for staring at him on accident!" He stops ranting, breathing deeply as he does. His face turns annoyed as he looks up.

Keith's grin twists into a frown, his eyebrows furrowing together. "Don't yell, who the hell do you think you are? And what douche? What exactly are you expecting, this isn't kindergarten. From what you look like most people aren't going to want anything to do with you." He scoffed harshly again, looking away.

Wow, rude much?

Isaac looks up at him. "I'm frustrated okay? Sorry..and the "douchebag's" name was Gavid, Davin, Gabby- I don't know what the fuck name is that." he chuckled to himself looking down. "But he dissed me on my royal ocupation and that's highly offensive!" he whines as his shoulders slouch down. "Me dad always with his rules to deffend me identity" Isaac sighs, already shuting up to let Keith talk.

Keith turned his head, putting his hand over his mouth "Pfft, Gavin?? You were staring at Gavin?! And you're still breathing?!" He bent over to laugh, then realizing what he said "Royal occupation?" He sniffed. " Nobody gives a fuck about no royal occupation. You're in the wrong school for that shit.. But Gavin!?" He bent over to laugh again, unable to contain his snickers. His laugh was demonic and intimidating.

Isa scoffed. "Neptune's sake...shut up! I said I gotta keep my 'ocupation' respected, I don't even consider myself a prince but..rules are rules." he moved his hands as he spoke, rolling his eyes. "Y'know how it is..royal family, royal son yadayadayada.." his hand did a rolling motion.
"And what's with the Gav dude, he almost ripped my head off for looking at him even though I said it was an accident." his accent is more noticeable as he speaks, fingers piching the bridge of his nose.

"You're literally asking to get your ass kicked." Keith shakes his head, putting his hands in his pockets. "Why were you staring at Gavin? And don't call him Gav, only we can do that."

"Too lazy to say the rest" Isaac waves off. "Anyways..where was the class anyways? I don't think talking to a...kind of interesting stranger rather than taking my classes would do good on my first day" his face shows mock and a hint of tease, (not a sexy type of tease) y'all get the point.

Keith scoffs. "Down that hallway." Keith turned to walk away back to his building, but not before muttering a quiet 'faggot' loud enough to be heard.

"Ram bitch." Lou said aloud shaking his head, walking to his respective direction.

What a loser of a Dark..

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