Chapter 5. Freak

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@[A/N:] Picture is of Isaac's tail :33 I just love blue..*sigh*

[[[[WARNING!! This chapter contains smut, if you want to skip it it's fine but then you'll have to catch up later alright? Alright.]]]]

There's a loud thud in the hallway at 2 AM, much later than Isaac probably expected Gavin to get back.

Isaac is still sound asleep on the bean bag, arm resting on his side and the other hanging loose on the floor with the empty bag of doritos at hand. He hears the thud, but ignores it and just stirrs uncomfortably on the chair.

After another thud there's a loud grunt heard from the hallway. A few seconds later the door handle begins shaking but doesn't open.

"Don't bother me Marcus I'm in the middle of concentra- ssn~" Isaac muttered and slurred his words in his sleep, he jolts up in fright when he hears the lock being forced open. He stands up and walks over carefully to the door, opening it and finding a very drunk Dev hoovering above him, the smell of strong alcohol making Isaac cough a bit. "Where the hell where you man? You smell like a strip club, disgusting."

Gavin giggled and turned his head. "You knowww...."

"Oh my Neptunes. Just get in." Isaac pulls Gavin inside by his arm and kicks the door shut. He keeps pulling at him until they're in front of the bed. Isaac pushes him down into a sitting position and sits beside him. Looking rather annoyed at how much he was giggling. He didn't have to do this at all. But the mom instincts kicked in.

Isaac stands up again and walks to the bathroom "Just go sleep, I'll be here if you want anything, wich I doubt you would." he closes the door, forgeting to lock it.

Gavin almost immediately stood up, walking soberly to the bathroom door and opening it. Being drunk again, he fell into Isaac's arms. "Heyyy.. Wassup"

Isaac, with his boxers down his ankles, catches him wide eyed. He pulls Gavin to his feet in attempt to keep him steady. "Gavin you big fuck I'm naked! Get the fuck out!"

"Oh shiiiit loooook." He didn't hesitate to grab Isaac's dick. "Look shh wanna see mine? I have one."

Isaac gasps and slaps Gav's hand hard "Oi- Don't touch it!" He takes a step back against the wall with a raging blush all over his face.

Gavin stumbled back and grabbed his hand. "Hey Oww." then pretended to cry for a while.

Isaac then has an idea, he grabs Dev's hurt hand and kisses it lightly, then caresses his face gently. "I'm sorry..but. Get. The fuck. OUT."

Gavin giggled again. "Noooo.."

"You can't do this to me come on! Get out before I do something I'll regret in the morning.." he looks down then back up at him "Get out."

Gavin begins to unbutton his pants. "Wait thooo." He bites his lip hard in a smile and closes his eyes, still giggling lightly under his breath.

"No no no don't- ugh. Just be sure not to beat the shit out of me in the morning." he closes his eyes and does the forbiden, he kisses Gavin hard and hungrily while his hands now rest on his hips.

Gavin's lips tasted like alcohol, and his breath was strong with it too. He kissed Isaac back sloppily with a grin and managed to use a lot of his tongue. His arms went lazily around his shoulders and he pressed into him. Gavin was drunk out of his mind, his body very numb.

Isaac couldn't hold it, he just picked him up by his ass and pressed him against the wall once more, his erection pressing against the bottom of Gavin's undone jeans. He lets out a soft moan at how good the kiss was and starts pulling Gavin's shirt off throwing it to the side. He sneaks his hand inside Gavin's boxers pulling out his suprisingly hardened shaft and pumping on it slowly.

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