Chapter 6. Don't mind if I do.

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[A/N:] Picture is Julie, sexy :I

There is sooooo much smut in this chapter, you have been warned. Also the use of masochism idek.



Isaac's day was pretty usual, he hung out alone, his warm tuna sandwich on his tray and a bottle of fruit punch gatorade. He sat down, enjoying the peacefulness until someone else sat down in front of him. He lifted his gaze to the gigantic troll creature from the day Gavin and his friends where pissing him off. He smiled nervously at him. His precence pretty much making him almost piss himself.

"Sup bro? Been here all motherfuckin' alone ain't healthy y'know?" The troll said as he opened a bottle of some weird fizzy soda. Isaac didn't know what to say, this guy's choice of words was...odd.

Isaac just went along with it.

"Um..hi mate." he waved slowly at him, munching on his green apple.

"What are you doin' here all alone anyways my brother? You seem pretty bothered.." the guy drifts off as if he hadn't said anything, picking his soda and chugging some normally. "The name's Mackenzie.." If it were Isaac he would be choking and having the worst brainfreeze, probably screaming like a dying whale...heh.

"I'm just feeling a bit confused with some issues. It's uh.. all." Isaac smiles sincerely, at least he had company even if it was some weird clown dude..damn was he fucked up. "Uh.. If it's not rude to ask..Why do you wear clown make up?" Isaac furrowed his eyebrows in confussion "Is it a culture?"

"This make up bro? My ancestor was a juggalo..we all keep it in the family..y'see? Us trolls have a hemospe-"

"Hemospectrum, yeah, and judging by the indigo marks of your face your the highblood, right?" Isaac cut him in, tapping his fingers on the table. He kept biting on his apple, enjoying every bite.

"Correct answer motherfucker! Seems you're all up and caught up with the miracles bro! The name's Mackenzie by the way, nice to meet you.." he holds his hand out for Isaac to shake, and Isaac took it hesitantly. The clown gave a stoned smile and sat back down as he grabbed his fork and started eating.

"I think I've seen a few seadwellers arround when I was in the sea..they're majestic." Isaac comented. "And you already said your name Mackenzie."

Mackenzie shook his head "Not all of em' are all up and nice y'know..ever heard of Eric? The violet-blooded?" "Oh I did bro? Oh sorry about that.."

Isaac nodded "The one who wears the cape and stuff? Yeah.

"Yeah well, he's a desperate motherfucker..hehe. He is all over everyones faces and shit. That ain't cool!" Mac raised his arm in mock protest.

Isaac just looked at him for the rest of lunch time. Later having to apologize for leaving to his next class soon. Mackenzie just waved and smiled wide at him, him doing the same.

It was a nice conversation..


After taking his boring History and Math classes, Isaac hurridly walked back to his dorm to be greeted by the hungover vampire. He twisted the doorknob to find it open and walked in, then closing it.

Gavin quickly appeared in front of him, putting his hand on Isaac's chest and walking towards him while pushing him back slowly. His eyes were already sharp and intimidating and he was very unexpressed. "What happened last night?"

Isaac's eyes inmediately shot open, a spark of blue running thru them, usual habit whenever he feels nervous and scared. He looked down then back up to meet Gavin's intimidating glare. "Nothing happened..."

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