Chapter 4. Small talk

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Here's a rather long chapter..hope you like it c: Oh and, picture is Mackenzie (played by Gamzee)

Isaac was bored, and he wanted to take a walk to skip his second period, math. He thought about that douchebag called Gavin with his stupid sexy self, but annoying personality. He thought that maybe if he lessened the insults everything would die down a little, but that would be impossible since he's an Oceanic creature and Gavin was one of those asshole Darks. It would be pretty much odd to be friends with someone like him, and Isaac could never trust one, they're bad news, really bad news. If maybe there was a chance for him to make one of those Darks gain his trust then there might be hopes for a new friend, then again, Isaac does not like them. At all.

He kept walking straight ahead with his head hung low, his left hand in his pocket and the other carriying some personal books, he just ignores the world, only to be bumping into someone. What is with him bumping into things?


Julie was walking out of the gym after spotting Gavin and doing her own cardio when she slammed into another student, catching her ground before he did. She covered her mouth quickly and bent over, grabbing his books. "Sorry sorry sorry I'm never looking where I'm going, are you okay??" She smiles at the boy nervously. He was a cutie.

"I- ...yeah I'm alright..sorry for that miss." He looks dizzy, confused even, looking up at her and then inside the gym, his eyes focused on the one and only Gavin Hilton, "I- name's Isaac.."

She flashed her famous canine-teeth grin and put her hand out happily. "I'm Julie. You're new I'm assuming?"

"Yeah I am..thanks" Isaac says taking her hand, hauling himself up "Nice to meet you.." he smiles sincerely at her, his tiny unnoticeable fangs showing too.

She grins, her ears perking up as she studies his body. "You go to the gym often I see? Do you bee a spot on tour?"

"Ehh twice a week and yeah,I need pretty much a tour all around this place hehe.."he looks down seeing his books scattered everywhere and begins picking them up slowly.

"Of course, anywhere particular you'd like to start? Oh also I know I said this but I'm Juliette Oliver, the captain of a few sororities around campus. I'm a dark to be technical but just know me as a wolf mhm?" She glanced down at a few of his books? "So you like to read?...Fifty Shades of Gay..?"

"Oh uh..that's a joke from some friends- oh who am I kidding." he chuckles lightly at his own little lie "I like your set of ears and tail, they really suit you. Bad thing I'm not into female species.." his head drops in embarrassment from his confession, then his fins perk up when he hears a clank and a following yelp coming from the gym, looking over her to see what happened. "Oh geez, that Thing is in trouble."

Julie giggled softly and began to thank him and ask about his sexual orientation when her ears snapped as she heard the clank also. She turned around to inspect as she saw Gavin under a lot of weight. The bar had fell on him, and he wasn't in a good position to get it off him. Julie quickly rushed over to help. "Shit Gav sorry!!" She pulled at the weights from either side of the bar quickly to relieve some pressure and helped him put it back on the hold. "It's okay." He managed to choke out. "I went up too much, did you get water?" She shamefully looked away, grinning a bit. "No I ran into someone on my way out and got talking.."

Isaac just wears his famous poker face as he looks at Gavin, then mutters "You okay?" and walks in carefully. Aware that Gavin would snap at him or even break his neck. Whatever. He always asked even if it was the most douchebaggy person in the world, he was that caring.

Gavin didn't even look at him as he sat up, throwing a hand on his bare chest and breathing a bit heavy. "Mm, you're always talking. Have you seen Luc-" he noticed Isaac from behind his hair, then looking straight at him. His eyes were probably going to blaze through his head. "What the hell are you doi- why do you keep following me around you faggot?" His words were harsh. Gavin knew how to really spit his words out like acid.

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