Chapter 3. Roomate

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[A/N]: Picture is Luc *drools* all of them are just so hawt..

~At noon~

Isaac was walking besides the school's janitor who was giving him the keys to his new dorm, and showing him where it was. As they aproached it Isaac heard loud death metal music blaring. He cringed, trying to block the sound away to no use. Maybe his roomate was going to be a creepy, beardy metal lover dude, eugh.

[Still narrator, but in Gav's pov]

Gavin was, of course, blaring his music as loud as he wanted. He was lucky he didn't get a room mate, he didn't want one. He could deal with people during the day, but at night he hated everyone. He was just getting up to get a drink when he heard keys fumble and his doorknob twist. "The fuck." He mumbled, looking over at the door curiously.

At the door stood Isaac, and as soon as he saw Gavin, Isaac turned in his pokerface, "Fuck no." he tried walking away, only to be pulled back by the janitor and accidentaly tripping to the floor with a loud thud, not louder than the music tho..

Gavin squinted his eyes, grabbing his remote and clicking off his music. "Who the fuck are- are you that fucking faggot from this morning."

"No" he said changing his voice and turning his face somewhere else. He drags his body, letting go of his belongings to get up easier, and dusting himself.

"Quit fucking arround man." the janitor spoke, 'annoyed' was read all over him. "Just gather up your stuff and quit bitching. It's the only one available with just one person."

"But why him?!?" Isaac said pointing dramatically at Gavin "I don't want him! FUCK to the NO!"

Gavin just shook his head. "You are not putting him in here. No, just fuck no." He walks up to Isaac, picking up his stuff and throwing it in the hallway. "Take your shit somewhere else, I'm not living with a homosexual."

"That's music to my ears, bitch. I have no intentions to enter that hell hole of yours. Nor I want to share it with you." Isaac scoffed as he picked up his stuff. The janitor only shook his head and shoved him inside the dorm, slamming the door shut after and locking with key.

Gavin crossed his arms, towering over him. He raised his eyebrow and intimidatingly looked down upon him. "What was that?"

"I called you a bitch. Problem?" Isaac said having a sense of bravery.

'Fuck he's so hot..' he thought as he looked up, his cheeks flushing and his fist clenching.

Gavin immediately grabbed him by his shoulders, slamming him against the door, the only place in his room not covered in posters, shoving his knee between Isaac's legs "yes, problem."

"Ow! You f-fucking asshole!" Isaac pushes him off him, holding his dick in pain as he doubles over.

Gavin grunted and turned around, walking to his bed and turning on his music again. "You're not sleeping here."

Isaac looks up at him, a sarcastic look on his face "Well where the fuck am I supposed to? Oh yeah, bathtub. You fucking moron." he grabs all his belongings, throwing them angrily at an empty corner, then, he pulls out his phone. Muttering a 'Fuck you' loud enough for Gavin to hear.

Gavin's eyes sharpen as he watches the boy. His thoughts were very low on him. He wasn't worth his time or energy and he concluded he would simply suck him by the end of the night. "Oh wait- shit." He shook and grabbed the sides of his head, squeezing his eyes shut. He didn't mean it like that. He meant sucking as in draining him off his blood. He didn't even like blood, that's so stereotypical. He just really did not like this kid. He turned over on his bed, trying to just take a nap and hopefully waking up to the kid being gone, he needed to take a shower later and he didn't feel like arguing. He had a horrible headache all day which caused him to be moody. Julie always told him he was extra moody when he had headaches. She was probably right, she knew way more than he did.

Isaac closes himself on the small bathroom, stripping his clothes off and turning on the tap. He for gets his towel on his backpack and silently curses to himself, he's begining to act so dumb and bitchy since he first saw Gavin, it's beautiful...not.

So he has the amazing idea of getting out of the bath without clothes, wonderful.

He slowly turns the knob on the door as he peeks inside, noticing Gavin is laying the opposite side, he thinks it's just a quick walk over there..

Gavin lays still and breathes quietly. His music is softer indie rock to allow him to fall asleep, and somewhere between Isaac going in and coming out of the bathroom he kicked off his pants and pulled off his shirt. He of course heard the door open, his ear twitching as he listened carefully to his movements. He didn't trust Isaac, he didn't know him yet.

"Why in the hell would I leave my towel outside with this guy here? Like, seriously, why?" Gav mutters to himself "Fuckin' incredible." his accent slips easily with every word.

"Out of all the people I hate it had to be him I had to live with. Could this life get any better?" he crouches down to his dufflebag, pulling out his fresh towel and tip toeing back to the bathroom.



[A/N]: So Isaac has to live with the vamp now hm?

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