Chapter 7. Fair Accidents

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Picture is Melissa :U she's so purdy..

Isaac recently got out of the gym, walking over to the shower to get rid of the sweat. He had his towel and a mini bag with his personal hygene stuff. He looked arround to make sure no one was there, quickly stripping off his basketball shorts and boxers, stepping into the shower.

He held onto the tube beside him to let his tail convert as he turned on the faucet, his long blue tail waving and wriggling uncontrolably until it settled in place, he reached up for his bag,  getting his body wash.

It seemed ridiculous how a merman was taking a shower knowing he'd still stink of fish,  but it really doesn't matter,  if anything,  he grew accustomed to human hygene.  He does anything a human creature would've done to be clean.

He rubbed the soap all over himself as his arm scales changed to an emerald green color,  shining beautifuly.


Once he's done he crawls out and dries his body,  he reached up to take his clothes,  no sign of them anywhere. He rolls his eyes and scoffs "First prank of my college days.. Fuckers. "

As he walked out the gym lockers from taking a shower,  towel wrapped around his waist,  he feels something wet under his feet.  He groans,  then falls back with a loud thud as his tail converts.  He tried to hurry inside but it was too late,  his tail disappeared immediately,  his naked body sitting on the floor.
Apparently one of the water fountains was broken. Little drips of water pooling under it.

Gavin and Julie were making their way down the hallway. They had to cut through this hallway to get to that hallway and.. It made more sense in their heads. Upon walking, Gavin notices someone.. Sitting on the floor?...Naked!?

"Haha yass, and then I was like just put a heart sticker on it-" "Julie look." He nudged her, Julie quickly taking the hint and noticing, too there was a naked boy on the floor. "Hey, is that Isaac?" She questioned, raising one of her perfect brows. "Yeah, I think so. What the fuck?"

"Well come on let's see what he wants."

Gavin scoffed, following a hurried Julie to a naked Isaac on the floor. "Are you okay?!" She asked immediately.

"noOO???  This assholes keep laughing at me, I ain't got no fucking clothes and shit, someone took them.. Fuck!!" he stands up,  dusting his butt off then crossing his arms "Do they not have anything better to do??"

As he looks arround his dick wobbles with the movement,  making girls red on their faces and guys snort at him.

"Not that I'm insecure or complaining.. But still! "

Then there were two in particular who were on the verge of crying of laughter. On the floor layed Kevin and Luc,  holding their stomach as they held in their pain. "Oh my fucking god I didn't know fishes were hung too Ahahahaha!!"

"OI!  At least I have a big one unlike you,  you little filthy peasant!" Isaac was furious,  his nose red and eyes shooting daggers.

Gavin cracked a smile looking at his hyena of a friend, mostly just waiting for Julie to get back. He turned his attention back to Isaac and looked him up and down, no hesitation whatsoever. He glanced over his shoulder to see Julie coming down the hallway with a towel and a string bag, full of clothes he assumed.

"Here Isaac." She said, handing it to him. "Put this around your waist and change." She couldn't help but giggling slightly. She leaned forward, whispering into Isaac's ear. "And I think Gavin likes what he sees." She grinned and winked at him.

What do yo-" he looks down to his genitals, blushing akwardly.  It was pretty accurate,  judging by his god damn sexy 'V' line,  his faint happy trail and his six to almost eight pack. He slowly shook his head unbelievably,  taking the towel from her hands and wrapping it immediately.

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