It was all a misunderstanding

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Hardly repressing his smile, Hyunjin asked,

"What was that?"

But Christopher shouted, "Why don't you say no when you don't want to, idiot?"

Hyunjin looked at him in astonishment.

"Well, I can't disappoint them, can I?"

"Disappoint them? They don't own you!"

"What are you saying now?" exclaimed Hyunjin. "Isn't it how things work here? If someone asks, you have to say yes!"

"Of course, that's not how it works! Everyone chooses their partners! How could you even come up with something like that?"

"But, this night, you yourself had to cancel your plans to sleep with me, just because I asked!"

"I did it because I wanted to! Have you looked at yourself?" Hyunjin was now silent, glaring at Christopher.
"You're the most gorgeous human I was ever given to lay my eyes on!" Hyunjin's eyes widened.
"But we were both West, so I never tried anything towards you. So, when, out of the blue, you asked to sleep with me, I was dumbfounded, awestruck, over the moon! I could not let the opportunity pass! That's why I cancelled it with my North back then, not just because you asked me!"

Hyunjin was taken aback. But he would not let Chris' words shake him and exclaimed,

"We were both West, but you still did not hesitate to go announce to everyone that we slept together!"

"I did not announce it! I told Seungmin because he insisted that we keep trying to make you sleep with northerners. This idiot misunderstood and he immediately announced it to the whole common room before I could ask him to keep it a secret!"

"Stop lying!" Hyunjin looked distressed. "When everyone jumped me, you ignored me! And you kept avoiding me the following days!"

"I didn't ignore you that night! I was just begging Seungmin to do something to stop everyone. But then, when we came to help you, we saw you accepting all their requests! So, Seungmin hesitated to intervene and then, you disappeared!"
Christopher took on an accusing tone,
"In the end, maybe you like being popular. Maybe you like having so many people come to beg you for a night. Even the twins had their share of your ass! It's revolting."

Christopher immediately regretted his words, even more when Hyunjin burst out crying.

"So, you never came to ask me for a night because I'm revolting?" shouted Hyunjin.

Completely panicked, Christopher stammered,

"N-no, I'm sorry Hyunjin. That's not what I meant!"

"Then why!?"

Christopher was all sheepish. He asked,

"Y-you wanted me to ask?"

Hyunjin hurriedly whipped his tears and replied with a little voice,

"Of course, I did. You're the only one I ever wanted..."

Christopher could not believe his ears.

"You mean..."

Hyunjin hid his face in his hands.

"Ever since I learned how the school functioned, I've had you on top of my mind! The more I tried it with northerners, the more the idea of doing it with you grew. This night we ended up alone together, I found the courage to ask you, even if it meant passing for a freak and possibly losing a friend. But then, you abandoned me!
And now, you're calling me revolting! When all of this is your fault!"

Christopher hastened to hug Hyunjin.
"I'm so sorry, Hyunjin!" he cried.
Hyunjin kept sobbing in his arms.
"I could never had imagined you would understand things this way. I should have realized what was going on."

Hyunjin let Chris hug him until his tears calmed down and even put his arms around his waist and held onto his shirt.

When the sobs stopped and they stood there, hugging in silence, Christopher dared to ask,

" really slept with all those people just because you felt obligated?"

His voice muffled by the hug, Hyunjin answered,

"Every time, I would imagine I was doing it with you..."

Christopher blushed vividly, up to his ears. Hyunjin felt his embrace tighten.

"Is that so...?" was the only thing he found to say, his voice shaking.

Christopher insisted that they skip sex that night because of Hyunjin's state. The later complained but was quick to fall asleep in his new official boyfriend's arms.

Once they settled together, Christopher had to help Hyunjin defend himself against the hordes of West coming at him every day.

Fortunately, they understood pretty fast that Hyunjin wasn't available anymore and started to realize the situation they put themselves in because of how badly they acted towards the North.

But it was too late.

However, while the whole West Building was on a forced fast, Seungmin got an idea that would take his corridor out of this misery.

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