𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐲

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"In six months you can come back to have the cast removed. Have a nice day, and take it easy with that arm!" I giggle at the eight-year-old boy with a broken arm. I walk out of the treatment room, and see Callie already waiting for me to have lunch.

"That took long enough, I'm starving!" she says while I put the chart down. "Me too, that little boy couldn't stop crying when I told him there was no more blue cast left!" I explain, and we both laugh while we walk towards the cafeteria.

Callie and I both work as orthopedic surgeons, and have a great time together whenever we don't have a patient. We're really good friends, which makes work a lot more fun.

I've been a Neurosurgeon for a long time as well, sometimes they still need me to help at that department. I actually work at both, so my weeks are always filled up with a lot of work to do.

"Any plans for the weekend?" Callie asks while she takes a bite out of her sandwich. "I guess I'm working all weekend, how about you? Any parties or clubs to go to?" I ask in reply. "Just the bar with some other people, like we always do. You should come with us more often Am, you work way too much" she adds, so I shake my head.

"That's not true, I'm just doing my job! Just like you are doing yours" I exclaim, making her laugh a little. "Yeah, but I have normal hours and only one department to work at. Why don't you talk to Richard? He's basically your dad so he wouldn't mind giving you some time off" she suggests.

 Why don't you talk to Richard? He's basically your dad so he wouldn't mind giving you some time off" she suggests

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Richard Webber is the hospital's chief. My mom was married to him for over 20 years, until she passed away because of a heart attack last year. Her mother, my grandmother, was the founder of this hospital, she and my own mom were the ones who made me fall in love with Orthopedic surgery and neurosurgery at first. Richard is like a father to me, because I never actually knew mine that well. Richard always tells me to take some time off, but I can't just leave the hospital like that, even if it's just for a while.

"I'm enjoying it, so why would I?" I ask in reply. "Because you never hang our with us anymore! We always ask you to come with us, but your answer is never yes because you always work" Callie explains. "I'm sorry Callie, I promise to hang out with you guys again soon. I'm gonna go now, there's a patient with a brain tumor waiting for me in OR two" I reply while I stand up.

"Hm, I bet Shepherd is waiting for you as well" Callie adds, making me laugh. "Shut up" I giggle, and I walk over to OR two. I get ready to do the surgery, walk into the room and see the nurses already waiting for me and Dr. Shepherd.


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