𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎: 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬

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"Amelia! How are y- oh God, are you okay?" Richard asks as I walk in, towards his desk. "Y... Yeah, I just um... I think we need to talk..." I nervously reply. He immediately nods, and tells me to sit down. "I um... I'm not feeling well..." I silently say. "I know sweetheart, I noticed. You look horrible, no offense" Richard  replies. I softly smile, and slowly nod.

"I was walking around at the ER earlier, and I overheard your what you told that patient. I'm so sorry if I ever made you feel like the hospital is your responsibility, because it's not. It's my responsibility, but I understand why you feel like it's yours. I know that you feel like you have to do what your mother did, but it's not your job to do that. I don't think it's good for you, mentally and physically. I want you to work a little les. How about two days a week?" Richard suggests.

"Two...? That's... No!" I reply. "Amelia, it's literally making you sick! It's not like you need the money or something, have you ever checked your bank account?" he asks. "I haven't, but I can't just-" I add, but he interrupts me. "Yes, yes you can. Take a week off and come to work every Monday and Tuesday" Richard commands. "No! You can't do that!" I loudly say, almost yelling at him while I stand up. "I can, Amelia! And I'm doing it! You can't do this any longer!" he yells in reply. "But I-" I yell, but he interrupts me again while we walk out the door.

"I will see you after a week, on Monday and Tuesday. End of discussion!" he yells, and he walks away. "No! Stop!" I yell, but he's not coming back. My eyes fill themselves with tears again as I'm standing next to Chris. He gently places his hand on my back, trying to make me comfortable. Suddenly, Derek and Callie walk up to us. "Hey Am- what's wrong?" Callie asks. "Not again..." I silently say as I take a step back to feel Chris' body against mine. Derek is looking at Chris like he's the enemy or something, while Chris keeps focusing on me.

I explain everything, and they understand. They agree with Richard, and tell me to take my time. "So uh, who's this?" Derek asks, pointing at Chris with an annoyed look on his face. "This is Chris! Chris, this is Callie and Derek" I say. "Hi, it's nice to meet you! Were you two in Italy together with the others?" Callie asks, and she takes a sip of her water. "Yeah, he's the one I went to Venice with" I tell. Callie almost chokes on her water, while Derek looks at Chris. "Seriously?! You said he wasn't attractive!" she loudly cheers.

"Oh, um, God, I didn't mean to say that out loud" she adds, making Chris and me laugh. "I did say that, didn't I?" I giggle, making Callie laugh as well. "I said that because I didn't want you guys to act like idiots about it" I add. "Understandable" Callie chuckles, and we laugh again. "I think you should go, this is kind of for doctors only" Derek says, looking at Chris.

"It's okay, he's with me" I say, but Derek keeps looking at him. "He's not a doctor" he adds. Chris is lookimg annoyed, but keeps looking into Derek's eyes. "Is this some kind of competition?" Callie asks, looking at Derek. He doesn't respond, and keeps looking at Chris. "Stop it Derek" I say. "What is he doing?" Chris asks, looking right at me. "Trying to intimidate you because he still loves her" Callie explains. "Callie!" I loudly say, but I notice Chris softly smiling.

 "Callie!" I loudly say, but I notice Chris softly smiling

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