𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑: 𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠

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"Oh my God this is going to be such a great trip! Where do you guys want to go?" Lizzie asks while we all sit down at the table. "I'm voting for Paris, it's so romantic" Scarlett suggests. "There's nothing romantic about this trip! Also, who's coming?" Lizzie asks. Robert, Scarlett, Chris, Sebastian, Lizzie and I raise our hands, which means that we're all coming. "Can I bring Colin, my husband? And maybe Rose?" Scarlett asks. "I mean, sure! But what about the nights of drinking? Going out?" Lizzie asks.

"How about we all get our own house? We can go together, hang out whenever we want with whoever we want and still have our own space. I'll bring my wife and kids too" Robert suggests. "That's a great idea" Scarlett replies. "Okay, let's do that! So like, six houses? Or four?" Lizzie asks. "I think four is better, I can go with Am" Sebastian replies. "Yeah, and no, I'm going with Am" Lizzie adds, and they end up arguing about it.

"Fine, I'll go on my own!" I loudly say, making them quiet. "No! I wanna-" Sebastian adds, but I interrupt him. "What if we just get one house for the four of us?" I ask. "Seems fair. Are you two okay with that?" Lizzie asks, looking at Chris and Sebastian. They both nod with a smile, so we start discussing other countries to go to. We all name countries like Australia, Portugal, France and Spain, but we can't decide. "You've been quiet all the time. What do you think? Where do you want to go?" I ask, looking at Chris next to me.

"Um... How about Italy...?" he nervously suggests. "Great! My vote goes to Italy" I say with a smile, making him smile as well. God, his eyes are so beautiful... Everyone agrees with going to Italy, so we start searching for houses close to each other. "This seems nice! It's ose to each other and we'll all have our own pools" Lizzie says, and she shows us a picture.

 "This seems nice! It's ose to each other and we'll all have our own pools" Lizzie says, and she shows us a picture

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"Seems great! Let's just book it for like a month" Sebastian adds, and we all cheer. "When are we going? Maybe in like two months?" Lizzie asks while she tries to book the houses. We all agree, so she gets us plane tickets, and books them for in two months. "Done, we're going to Italy!" she cheers, and we do the same thing.

We have a few more drinks together afterwards, but I'm not really talking to Chris. I'd love to get to know him, because he's also part of the group! He was so kind to me when he apologized for what he said about my mom. It really wasn't a problem, because he couldn't have known about what happened last year. He felt really bad, which was also kind of cute.

-Time Skip, Next Morning-

They all left at 3am, except for me and Sebastian. We stayed at Lizzie's place last night, which was great! Today, I'm going back to the hospital to tell Derek about my time off, so I leave at 10am. When I get to the hospital, I immediately see Callie and Derek. I tell him, because Callie already knows about the six months I'm off work.

"Six whole months? That's a long time..." Derek replies after I tell him. "I know, but I'll be back after" I say, while I'm running my fingers through his perfect hair. "I know, but I'll miss you anyway. You should step by often" he adds, making me smile. "I'll be in Italy for a month, in two months" I tell. "As long as you call me every day" Derek giggles, while Callie is looking at us like we just got married.

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