𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

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Hey Lizzie! Can I still
come? 😅

Yes ofcourse!!!

Are you off tomorrow?

Yes! I'm gonna go change
at home

I'll be there in a few!

Amazing! I'll tell the


See ya🥰



I get home, take a quick shower, do my hair and make-up and put on a nice outfit. I grab my purse and my keys, walk outside and get in my car. I'm excited to hang out with them again, it's been a while since I was able to join them.

I arrive at Lizzie's place a few minutes later, and knock on the door. She opens up right away, with a bright smile on her face. "She's here! She's here!" she cheers while she gives me a hug. "It's been so long Am! I missed you so much!" she adds, making me smile as well. "I missed you too! I'm glad I could come" I reply, and she lets me in.

"Oh thank God!" Sebastian loudly cheers. He quickly walks up to me, and lifts me up for a hug. "Seb!" I cheer while I hug him back, I've missed him! Sebastian has been my best friend for the past ten years, just like Lizzie. The whole group was also there for me when my mom died, which made us even closer.

Everyone greets me with a hug, telling me that they're happy to see me again. "Do you want some wine? I got your favorite!" Lizzie says while we walk to the kitchen together. "No thanks, I'm driving home tonight" I reply with a smile. "What did you say? You're staying over tonight? Cool!" she cheers while she hands over the glass of fruity white wine. I laugh, and we get back to the living room.

"It's so good to see you again, I really missed you" Sebastian says while he walks up to me. "I missed you too, and I'm sorry" I reply. "I understand, you know? You feeling responsible for the hospital makes sense, so don't feel bad about it. Are you having some time off?" he asks. "Yeah, six months... Richard even took my pager" I explain, making him smile. "Six whole months?!" he adds, making everyone look at us.

 "Six whole months?!" he adds, making everyone look at us

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"Yeah, it's a lot" I reply, but everyone starts cheering. "Oh my God, Chris is coming too!" Lizzie cheers. "Chris?" I ask in reply, not having any idea of who he is. "Yes! He's always working, just like you" she explains. "Hey Lizzie, remember when we talked about going on a trip with the group?" Sebastian asks. "Oh my God yes!" Lizzie replies, until there's a knock on the door again.

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