𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒: 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

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-Time Skip, One Week-

Derek and I haven't been talking much lately. He started to get annoyed because I'm hanging our with the group a lot instead of hanging out with him. He also doesn't like the idea of me going to Italy with them. To be honest, I'm not even feeling the way I used to feel towards Derek anymore for the past few weeks.

It sucks, I really was in love with him! For the past few weeks/months I've been feeling differently about him. Not like how I used to feel, that's for sure. I had a great time, being with Derek but not anymore. Also, there's this intern called Meredith. Derek seems to be pretty close with her, but I'm kind of okay with that.

-Time Skip, Another Week-

Derek and I talked about us last week, and we broke up. We're still friends, it just wasn't love anymore. Derek and I are doing great as friends now, which is amazing! He really likes that Meredith girl, and I think it's cute!

Today is the day that everyone is coming over to my place. Sebastian is already here, we did the grocery shopping together. "I'm so excited for Italy!" Sebastian cheers while we get the backyard ready.

 "I'm so excited for Italy!" Sebastian cheers while we get the backyard ready

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(The backyard)

"So um, how are you and Derek doing?" Sebastian asks with a smile. "Oh, I forget to tell you... We broke up!" I reply, also with a smile. "What?! When? Are you okay?!" he adds, making me laugh a little. "I'm okay! I just didn't feel the way I used to feel anymore. Also, we're good! We are still friends" I tell. "I'm glad, and I noticed actually! The way you spoke to him, the way you looked at him, I kind of saw it coming" Sebastian he replies, and we both laugh.

After a few minutes, the doorbell rings. I walk towards the door, and open up. "Hey guys!" I cheer while I let them all in. I take them to the backyard, where they all sit down at the table. "You have a beautiful home!" I hear, coming from behind me. I turn around, and see Chris looking at me with a small smile on his face.

"Thanks! Make yourself at home" I reply, and I smile back at him. "How are you?" he asks, nervously trying to make a conversation. "I'm good, how are you?" I ask in reply, which makes him smile. "Me too, I'm glad! Thank you so much for having us" Chris adds. "Anytime! I like your shirt, by the way" I say, and I look at his simple black cored t-shirt with shirt sleeves who are just fitting around his muscular arms. "Thanks, I like yours too!" he replies, making me smile as well. Did I just flirt with him? Oh well...

We walk to the table, and sit down next to each other. Sebastian is preparing the barbecue, while we're all talking to each other. "How is Derek doing?" Robert suddenly asks. Sebastian immediately looks at me, and so does the rest. "We um, we broke up. But it's okay, we're still friend! I just wasn't feeling how I used to feel anymore" I explain. Everyone keeps looking at me. "I'm glad you're okay with it, I kind of noticed you feeling differently towards him for the past few months" Lizzie adds.

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