Chapter 1: Part 4

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I sat in the back of the Phantom, while Sabine and Hera sat at the controls.

She really needs to calm down, even if she is really frustrated.

"So... Is Fulcrum just another smuggler like Izago? Why all the secrecy?" Sabine questioned.

"Oh," Hera began, "It's no secret we're fighting against the Empire. We need as many allies as we can get."

"How do you find a way of answering questions without actually answering them?" Sabine asked exasperatedly.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" Hera tilted her head towards Sabine, who huffed and stormed over to a seat across from me.

"Does it bother you that you don't know these things?" Sabine asked me.

I sighed and shook my head. "Not really no, sorry."

Sabine sighed sadly and sat back in her seat.

Then a cracklings voice came in over the com. "Spectre 2, this is Fulcrum. Come in."

The voice was definitely male, and it sounded old. Whether he was human or not couldn't tell, but he spoke out language fluently.

My observations we quickly infuriated by Sabine springing from her seat and back to the controls. I too, decided to get closer in on the action.

"This is Spectre 2, Fulcrum-"

"Why don't I talk to him?" Sabine coyly said.

"Don't you dare." Hera growled.

I tugged on Sabines armor, and gave her a pleading look, telling her not to do anything stupid.

Of course she understood, but she didn't listen. She shook her head and turned back to the com unit.

"We'll meet at the rendevous point. The supplies are unloaded and ready. Should I wait?" Fulcrum's voice continued.

Right before Hera could answer, Sabine leaned into the com. "Yeah! Stick around! Spectre 2 and I would love to talk to you."

Hera and I glared at Sabine.

The com crackled again. "Spectre 2... What's the problem?"

"No problem Fulcrum." Hera said quickly. "Spectre 5 and Spectre 7 wanted to help with the supply run."

"Understood. Fulcrum out."

Hera let out a breath she seemed to have been holding and turned to Sabine.

"You know an outburst like that is not appreciated." Hera said coldly.

"Neither is all this secrecy." Sabine muttered just as coldly.

I sighed. How can I get them back to normal?


The Phantom's door flipped open, and all three of us stepped out into the light.

We seemed to have landed at a base, the quietest base if ever been to. Abandoned aircraft lay rusty on the walkways and the runway was beginning to crumple.

I adjusted my quiver and followed Hera and Sabine.

"So?" Sabine asked. "Where's the mystery man?"

"I don't know." Sarcasm was dripping in Hera's voice. "Maybe Fulcrum didn't like your attitude. I know I didn't."

I jogged a bit and walked next to Hera.

"What are we looking for?" I asked.

"Crates... I think I found them." Hera pointed to a large pile of metal crates. They had been very well disguised, I would've had no idea they were cargo, if Hera hadn't pointed them out.

I stopped in front of the pile, then reached forward to take one. Suddenly a hand grasped my shoulder, pushing me away from the box.

"I'll take that one..." Hera moved in front of me, and pushed on the anti-grav button, making the cargo float off the ground slightly.

I turned to Sabine slightly, seeing if she had noticed Hera's suspicious move, but she didn't. Instead she simply took a different crate and began following Hera back to the ship.

I thought for a moment, then decided to leave it be.

Hera's already getting pounded with questions from Sabine, I need to cut her some slack.

With that I pushed the button on the crate and followed the pair back to the Phantom.

"Look Hera, I'm sorry for the attitude." Sabine began. "But thugs seem to be getting more and more dangerous everyday, and I need to know you and Kanan can trust me."

"We trust you Sabine. We all do." Hera glanced back to me briefly. "Spark, do you trust Sabine?"

I nodded and smiled at Sabine. "With my life."

"And so do I, we just can't tell you everything." Hera told Sabine. "It's for the safety of the whole crew. If captured, you can't reveal what you don't know."

Sabine stopped pushing the crate, and stood in Hera's way. "You think I'd talk?"

"Sabine we all know that the Imperials can make anyone talk. We've both seen what they're capable of." I stopped pushing my crate momentarily, hoping I could calm down my best friend.

I was taken aback when Sabine glared at me a little. "Yes! We have! That's why we should know! Seriously Spark, how does this not bother you?"

Hera remained stoick, and gently maneuvered around Sabine. "You already know exactly what you need to know, and nothing more. I need you, to trust me now."

Sabine looked furious as she began pushing again. "And that's supposed to make me feel better? Hera, you know what happened at the academy on Mandalore. I trusted the Empire, followed it's orders blindly. And it was a nightmare."

I felt my heart sigh in sadness, feeling empathy towards her. I could feel Hera feeling the same. Silently I pushed the crate into the Phantom and deactivated the antigrav.

"I want to believe that we're doing good and making a difference." Sabine followed closely behind Hera and I out of the Phantom. "But t seems like the harder we fight the harder things get out there. I feel like we can't take the Empire down on our own. So that's why I need to know that this isn't all for nothing. I need to know that I'm not walking into another nightmare here." Sabine's voice rising in aggravation, with each scentence.

Finally Hera finally snapped, turning to Sabine, placing both hands on her shoulders.

I immediately realized this was a moment Hera and Sabine needed alone, so I continued forward to the crate pile. But only to find nothing in front of me.

The dirty cement in front of me that once had at least two other crates sitting on top, was no empty. But deep scratch marks were left on the ground, leading to a hangar. The hangar was extremely dark, and was carved out of the side of a mountain.

"Uh Hera?"

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