Chapter 1: Part 7

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I grunted in the effort of pulling the last can upright.

That's when the time came. The asteroid was finally crossing in from of the sun, and an eerie shadow began to crawl across the ground.

I felt my switch turn on. I then bent down to pick up my bow, heart pounding in my chest.

I looked toward the other girls, as the shadow finally closed the gap between us and the creatures.

Sabine gave me a nod.

"Wave one. Go!" Hera yelled.

I sprinted to the opening, and ducked behind a canister, Sabine and Hera at my side.

Not too far in front of us, and unsightly paw reached its way around the canister and dragged its claws on the surface.

I shuddered on the inside.

That's when the creature showed its self. I had no idea how to describe it, but it looked like something from my home planet... They were called mice... But this looked like a demonic version of one.

Quickly I loaded my bow and shot, not at the creature, but at the canister behind it.

My arrow made contact and the Rydonium exploded in a colorful wave. I looked beyond the damage, to see a whole pack of these demonic-mice, maybe 30 or 40 of them.

"Oh no." I sighed.

"Wow." Sabine said. "That's a lot."

"Steady guys. Follow the plan." Hera then stood and ran to the next row of canisters. Sabine and I quickly followed, shooting at the creatures as we ran.

"Fall back! Wave 2!" Hera said ahead of us.

Stopping for a moment, I shot at the creature closest behind us, and it made contact falling dead.

I turned and hurried to catch up to the others.

Hera and Sabine then ducked behind 2 canisters. I ducked behind just as Sabine shot and hit a creature, it's body still in forward momentum hitting our shielding canisters.

"Wait for it... Wait for it.." Hera told us, as we alternated turns shooting.

"Now!" All three of us stood up and shot.

The impact of all three of us made a huge explosion, causing us all to fall to our knees.

Sabine stood up and smiled. "It worked! We may actually survive this!"

I popped up behind her. "What?" Hera said. "You doubted your own plan?"


"Good." I said. "Cause I sure did."

"Hey!" Sabine whined and I giggled.

"Come on their closing in." Hera took my arm and began pulling me back. "Wave three."

I turned and ran, leading the group towards our next hideout of canisters.

I ducked behind and immediately began firing at any canister I saw. There seemed to be an endless stream of these animals, for every one we killed there always seemed to be 2 or 3 replacing it.

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