Chapter 1: Part 5

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"Hera!" I yelled over to the arguing pair.

They both turned to me. "Spark?" "What's wrong?"

They both jogged over to me, and I pointed at the jagged marks in the ground.

"Take a look." I told them. Hera crouched down to observe the marks, while Sabine looked into the darkness of the hanger in front.

"There were more crates, but someone's dragged them away." I said.

We all remained silent pondering over the possibilities. I felt a tingling sensation, a bad one too. This didn't look right.

"Maybe he's still here." divine suggested.

"Who?" Hera asked.


"No," Hera immediately shut that idea down.

"Well who else knows about the base?" I asked.

Hera shook her head. "Not sure, but this place was abandoned years ago. After the clone wars. But... Why drag? Why not just use the anti-grav?"

Sabine shrugged, just as a asteroid castes a large shadow passing over us. "Wow, sun rise comes along fast in these parts."

"Let's see what else comes up." Hera pulled out her gun and flashlight and began walking forward into the deserted hangar, Sabine right behind her.

Don't go in. This is bad. This isn't safe.

But I have to. Sabine and Hera might need help.

I swallowed my fear and loaded my bow following them into the darkness.

Here's flashlight scanned an array of wreckage of old starships and fighters. I couldn't tell what the rest of it was, as it seemed to be torn apart.

Finally Hera's light rested on a crate, our crate. It had been tipped on its side and the top ripped off, it's robber leaving it empty.

We all slowly approached the crate.

"Who ever stole this crate must've been pretty eager to get what was inside." Sabine observed.

"Too eager to just open the latch?" I asked.

"Who would-" Hera was interrupted by metal clattering to the hard ground.

"Ladies, I don't think we're dealing with a who. But more like a what."

We remained in terrified silence, only for it to be interrupted by a low growl. Slowly, I pulled my arrow back in its bow string, aiming to where the sound came from.

Another piece of ship shifted slightly. I aimed.

"That's comforting. You don't happen to know why this base was abandoned?" Sabine asked Hera.

Shrieks of an unknown creature rang through the hull. I gasped.

"I'm beginning to have my suspicions." Hera aimed her gun at the moved metal.

The growling seemed to be coming from everywhere.

"Guys." I whispered. "Fall back."

We all immediately began walking towards the light, yet not taking our eyes off the wreckage.

I could feel my breath hitch in my throat as I tried my best to remain calm.

Then behind me Hera gasped, and dropped her flashlight. I whipped around, the lack of light only allowing me to see a pair of enormous yellow eyes. I shot my arrow at the beast, just as Sabine and Hera took shots of their own.

The dropped flashlight went out, and all that was visible for me was the darting sight of yellow eyes and the red flashes of my crews blasters.

I began shooting mercilessly at the pairs of eyes, hitting only some, for they had incredible speed.

"Spark! Sabine!" Hera then shouted. "Run!"

With that, I turned and sprinted out of the hangar, shooting two arrows as I ran, both met their targets.

We ran out into the bright light, and stopped near two bright red canisters. I knelt down next to Hera and loaded my weapon, waiting for those things to pop out.

We waited, and waited. And nothing. All that was heard was their shrieks bouncing about in the cave.

Then, another asteroid began covering our light. As soon as the ground was completely shaded, a large animal popped out of the cave. It was enormous, maybe 15 feet tall, and had huge hind legs and fangs.

Immediately the girls and I began shooting at the beasts. But then, they whimpered and ran back into the dark.

I frowned, then looked up. The light was no longer being blocked by the asteroid, and the ground was as lit up as can be.

"What was that?" I asked.

The girls all shook their heads in shock. How can we beat something we don't know about?

Finding The Unknown: A Star Wars Rebels FanficWhere stories live. Discover now