Chapter 2: Part 2

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We ran around the corner, our plan finally perfect. The streets were flooded with citizens, all species. Imperial walkers and transports made their way down the road.

"Okay let's start this celebration." Kanan said with a smirk.

"Rodger that. Commencing festivities." Sabine smiled as slipped her helmet onto her head.

As excited as I was about this plan... I couldn't help but keep thinking about Ezra and his strange behavior.

"Spark... You coming?" Kanan pointed to the road ahead, to the end of the parade where the transports were all gathering.

I nodded and ran with Kanan and Hera to the end of the parade.

The ministers face was shown on a large screen held above the crowds.

"And she wanted me to show you why." The Minister finished.

I looked at Kanan with anticipation.

"Citizens, I present to you the latest vessel from Lothals Imperial Ship Yards."

Below the screen a large TIE fighter rolled in, a very new, updated, TIE fighter.

Hera, who obviously had an appreciation for pretty star ships, clapped slowly.

"Pretty isn't it?" Kanan asked us.

"Yeah I almost feel bad about blowing it up." Hera whispered the last part.

"Ha." I laughed. "Keyword: Almost."

"We're gonna need a quick exit after this." Kanan said.

Hera nodded and disappeared into the crowd. Kanan motioned for me to follow him.

We wandered near the transports closest to the new TIE, waiting for Sabine and Zeb's signal.

"Should be any moment now..." I muttered to Kanan.

Suddenly the sky erupted into an array of colors, Sabine called them fireworks.
The crowd cheered in amusement.

Kanan turned to me. "Alright Spark. Get out of there as quickly as possible. In and out. Got it?" He handed me the small bomb.

I nodded and smirked. "Child's play. I got this."

I jogged around the transport and peeked over the other side. Two bucket heads stood on the other side, but their attention purely on the fireworks.

I inhaled and felt my switch turn on, then shoulder rolled towards the TIE. Crouching under it, I placed the bomb on the underbelly and quietly ran back to the transport.

Luckily the two guards didn't notice me, so my guard immediately went down. I turned and began walking back to where I knew Kanan was, but my heart jumped out of my chest. There was another guard in front of me.

"You there. This area is off limits!"

For a millisecond I panicked. "Have you seen him?" I blurted.

"Who?" The guard asked, he pointed his blaster at me. I could see Kanan over his shoulder looking at me.

Improvise, he mouthed to me, but he had a hand on his gun ready to help.

"Uh... My droid." I said slowly. "I-I think he wandered back here... But he's gone? Did you see where he went?"

The guard slowly lowered his gun. "No."

I remembered Kanans words about story telling. Be someone else. Don't act. Be.

"Oh no." I pretended to whine. "My parents are gonna kill me this is the third time this month!"

"Cousin!" A familiar voice rang from behind the soldier.

I sighed in relief, immediately knowing who this was.

Ezra ran out from the crowd and stood between me and the guard. He took my hand and I smiled.

"Sorry sir, we've been looking for the droid for ages." He caught right on with my story.

"Someone told me they saw him by the market." Ezra said turning to me.

Staying in character I smiled in delight. "Oh great! Sorry mister!" I ran off with Ezra, finding Kanan in the crowd.

"Good job there Sparks. You really believable." Kanan said, then turned to Ezra. "Where have you been?"

"Making some connections." He vaguely told us.

What connections?

"How's the plan going?"

"Just watch." Kanan said triumphantly.

Ezra looked at me in confusion, and I smirked.

"3-2-1." I lazily counted down.

Over the transport I could see the TIE burst into flames and the minister thrown off her platform.

"We should probably run now." I said and took off down the alley to the right, the boys on my tail. Zeb and Sabine caught up with us immediately.

"Nice of you to join us kid." Zeb said to Ezra.

"Where have you been?" I asked him.

"Why did you miss me?" Ezra asked.

I rolled my eyes and turned away silently fuming over Ezra's short and unresponsive answers.

Sabine stopped ahead of me and turned around. Behind us, an agent stood scanning the place for us.

"I've been spoiling to finish things with Agent Callus." Zeb growled and pulled out his weapon.


That's when my senses sparked and my chest tightened.

Something evil... Something dark...

I looked around frantically, looking for the source of these feelings, when I saw him.

The figure emerged from the flames of the TIE, his red lightsaber glowing. His golden eyes pierced through the smoke.

I knew him. Oh dear did I know him all too well. The Inquisitor. The man who ruined my life and killed my father.

The scene played out in my mind. Me. The arrow. The bow. My last shot. My father falling dead.

"If I remember correctly Ms. Hertla, it wasn't me who shot the arrow." His words rattled in my mind.

My breathing became ragged and I ran away, as fast as I could, knowing the others weren't too far behind.

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