Chapter 22

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There we were getting ready to go into the police station when on of the officers stop me and handed me flowers... they were Daisy and only Aaron knew how much I loved daisy , there was a note.

"I miss you ..... I can't wait to see you... a.h"

" Aaron is dead..... Aaron is dead... Aaron is dead" who could be messing with me and why now no no ... who but Aaron is dead he's dead.... I was panicking.. I placed my hands on my head I was going to lose my mind I couldn't breathe I can't do this... next thing I know  I'm in the middle of the police station crying
( dam I hate when I get all hormonal)
I ran to the bathroom and JJ was following me ..

Liv: JJ please leave me alone
JJ: liv let me make you feel better
Liv: how JJ

Just then JJ kissed me, her hands in my skirt..if felt so good but , I didn't want this ...

Liv: JJ please stop
JJ: mmm what was that Liv
Liv: Jennifer please!!!

I slowly push JJ off me , as I told Dave he's in charge and I went to the coffee shop across the street. I got and ate 12 dozen donuts. I just sat there I must of zone out .... it's funny how I miss Aaron so much is getting a bit harder for me to move on . I didn't see or here Dave coming in

Dave: you okay Liv
Liv: truth Dave, no I'm not
Dave: it going to be okay
Liv: no it's not ... Dave I've been staying with carina because I'm scared to sleep alone. And honestly it's so hard when you hear other workers talking about how Liv husband died leaving her and her kids alone... or how sucks to a wife without an husband... or ooh here husband is Goan she might as well go as well ... because in the end, when you lose somebody every candle , every prayer is not going to make up for the fact that the only thing I have left is a hole in my life where that's someone I cared about used to be .


We found the unsub he killed him self.we got on the jet we got back to the bau and as I walked in I see and hear people talking about me and Aaron... An I couldn't take it.

Liv: I swear everyone here doesn't know how to keep mine or my husband name out of there mouth. I swear next person who mentioned my loss or anything about me or about Aaron or my family there fired ... so who has what to say about my name or anything about Aaron death...or how I should go kill myself because I lost the love of my life.

* in the background *

Patrick : I don't know why Liv married Aaron she could do so much better

Liv: Patrick your fired... anyone else want to mention mine or Aaron name out of there mouth .... no good because Aaron brought us together and made this team family... " how about we take a minute to think about the person the talent the love we lost , how about you think before you start comparing that Aaron Hotchner.... will always find its way to continue.. so anyone who mentioned mine husband name or mine or any one of my kids or my team member will be fired ... okay... good ... have a fine rest of you day .

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