Chapter One: Not Just a Prime

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 Optimus' tired optics watched the jet grow smaller and smaller, chasing the horizon until it disappeared over the horizon. There was a heavy feeling in his chest, something of unease, as he watched Megatron go. Whenever the twisted warlord left, he always came back before long. Optimus had no reason to doubt that this time would be the same.

"It's. . . It's over," behind him, Smokescreen uttered in disbelief.

"Not yet." There was the voice that he had missed all this time. Optimus turned around to gaze at Ratchet, his spark twisting in hurt. His spark was broken when Ratchet decided to stay on Earth, and they went all that time without one another. And now, when they finally met again, Optimus was sentenced to death. His medic's calculating optics watched him carefully. "The Allspark," he said nervously, "Where is it?"

To draw Unicron from Megatron's body, Optimus had released the Allspark into the Matrix of Leadership, opening a new vessel that could trap Unicron. It was a quick decision, and a worthy sacrifice, to give his life to save Cybertron's future. The Prime struggled to find the words to explain this to his Autobots. They were the most passionate band he had ever had the honor of working beside, and it came out when they desperately argued with him, begging to find another way. Optimus believed that there was none, and that this was the right path to saving Cybertron. He was but a soldier, he was no god, he was willing to make the sacrifice.

As he turned his back to the Autobots and prepared to lift off, there was a firm servo on his arm, and he was pulled back around to meet his medic's angry optics.

Ratchet insisted on at least trying. It had been a long time since they had argued, and he didn't think that he had ever seen Ratchet this furious, with him, at least. Optimus found himself being dragged by the audial back towards the Nemesis, and he found that he didn't resist, couldn't, even. The reassurance of all the others, pleading with him to listen to Ratchet, the stubborn passion Ratchet had for him, it melted Optimus' resolve, and he agreed to allow it.

He didn't think it would work.

But Ratchet had a knack for bringing about miracles. His second idea was what brought us to now.

Ratchet and Wheeljack had discovered that with some modifications, the indestructible containers that had once held the Iacon relics were capable of holding the Allspark. The two scientists sat Optimus down and helped him coax the powerful beacon into the vessel, and by the magic of a medic who cared very much, the Prime and the planet were saved.

Everything was settled. Construction was started up again, and everyone resumed what they had been working for before Unicron came to plague them. Citizens were arriving back, Autobot and Decepticon alike, eager to offer a hand in fixing their home. There was peace. Those who came for a fight found only kind, passionate friends who just wanted to live again.

Optimus had his eyes on restoring something else, however. Ratchet hadn't returned to Earth yet, deciding that he would wait until Ultra Magnus was back on his pedes. The Prime did not intend on letting him flee once again.

On a quiet evening, Optimus found the medic in the medbay of the Nemesis, scrolling through a datapad and engaging Knock Out with witty banter. The addition of the Decepticon medic to their ranks was still new and awkward, but Ratchet didn't seem to pay much mind. It had been a long time since he had capable help in a medbay, and it seemed that he welcomed the notion.

"Hello, doctors," Optimus greeted as he strode in. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"Just Knockout's fourth manicure today." Ratchet replied halfheartedly, and Knock Out bridled.

"Just because I have standards-"

The red mech stopped at Ratchet's raised servo. "What do you need, Optimus?"

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