Chapter Twelve: A Gladiator's Memory

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    So close, and yet so far. 

    Optimus had found nothing in Kickback’s quarters, no records,  no evidence of communication, nothing. He had torn the room apart looking for something, anything. It seemed that the only hope was Megatron, and his cruel interrogation techniques. Thus far, they had yielded nothing. 

    Four days had passed, and Kickback had nothing but damaging insults to offer. Megatron had worked him for hours upon hours, with no success. Now, they were ten days away from the final deadline. Bumblebee hadn’t returned from his mission to locate the Predacons, and even if he had, Optimus didn’t think he could go through with the extermination. He was above starting this era with a genocide, however small it may be. 

    However, the urge to just go through with it was there. All he wanted was his mate, home safe, in his arms. Perhaps Kickback was right. Perhaps he was selfish and foolish. 

    How much was too far, where was the line? Had he already crossed it? 

    There wasn’t much time to ponder. Right now, he had to juggle locating the Predacons, interrogating Kickback, and rebuilding the city. 


    “Do you think we’re close?”

    Bumblebee was panting, his leg muscles cramping in pulsing aches. “I don’t know.” He admitted, glancing over his shoulder. Those following him paused, groaning. “We’re on their trail, but I don’t know how long it’s been.” He vented. “If we just go a little further-”

    “Bumblebee, the lot of us are exhausted. We won’t be much good for hunting Predacons if we can’t walk.” A red mech just behind him cut in, offering kindly but matter-of-factly. 

    “Perceptor is right. If we don’t rest, who knows what can happen.” Another mech looked around worriedly. “Filthy scavengers, rogues, Insecticons. . . Something bad will find us, and we’ll be helpless to defend ourselves.” He chewed on the tips of his digits nervously.
    “It may have been a mistake to bring him along.” Ultra Magnus murmured to Bumblebee.

    “I chose everyone here for a reason.” The scout replied confidently. The tall blue mech hummed thoughtfully. Magnus had been reluctant to enter a mission where he’d answer to Bumblebee, but Optimus had personally encouraged it. “Red Alert, nobody is going to attack us. Especially in Predacon turf. Everyone dangerous has already been chased out.”

    “Personally, I’d take an Insecticon over a Predacon.” Perceptor said unhelpfully. 

    “I don’t want either!” Red Alert whined. 

    “We’ll get to the top of this ravine, and then we’ll rest for a bit.” Bumblebee turned to face forward again, carrying on the steep trek upward. The others followed, grumbling. 

    Aching, exhausted, grasping consciousness, Bee made it to the top, and helped pull his comrades onto level ground. They all crumbled, groaning, passing compact energon cubes to one another. Bumblebee walked a large circle around the area, looking for signs of passing. Excitement flashed in his optics as he came across a monstrous clawed footprint. “Perceptor! Come look!” He called. The red mech approached him tiredly. “I want you to examine this, and tell me if it’s new.” 

    Perceptor transformed, rotating his scope to hover above the footprint. “I’d say within the past few hours.” He concluded after a moment.

    “That’s good news, we’re close.” Bumblebee smiled gratefully. “Thank you, Perceptor.” 

    “Is it good news?” Red Alert shuddered, subconsciously shifting closer to Ultra Magnus. “I don’t want to be any closer to those beasts. Why I was chosen for such a mission is beyond me.” 

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