Chapter Thirteen: Kaon's Dungeon

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 Megatron smacked a blueprint of The Pits of Kaon down onto the table; the sound made those sitting there flinch. "I have a plan." He announced excitedly. Optimus noticed that there was a certain enthusiasm to him. Since it wasn't his mate's life on the line, this was little more than a game to him.

"Does it involve leading us into a trap?" Arcee questioned skeptically. "Maybe they wanted us to attempt another rescue. And how can you be so sure that they are in Kaon?"

"I would never forget that dungeon. They were in the main chamber, underground, beneath the ring, where the masters would schedule matches every night. The Pits offer good cover and cell space, I can understand why they chose to flee there." Megatron was too worked up to even sit down, pacing. "Kickback and Rumble have no reason to believe that any of you would recognize a private room in Kaon. They shouldn't know we're coming. Now, this rescue is going to be carefully planned. If we fail to catch them off guard, Ratchet's finished."

"Oh, do tell." Wheeljack muttered.

Optimus was impatient to hear what the warlord had to say. After his own failed attempt, he felt relieved to have such a brilliant strategist planning his mate's rescue. Megatron optics flashed as he paused and thought. "There are three entrances into the Pits. We ought to utilize that." He turned to face them. "Rumble is planning on contacting Optimus again tomorrow. In that time period, all three mechs involved are in one space, with Ratchet. That may be the best window for action."

"But if they are just standing there with Ratchet, won't they just hold him hostage when we move in, defeating the entire purpose?" Arcee pointed out.

"They would, if it was an Autobot approaching them." Megatron flashed a toothy smirk. "As far as we know, they are unaware of my involvement."

"Kickback had limited contact with them, only for emergencies, in the event that we intercepted the transmission." Optimus added with a nod.

"We'll provide them with two distractions. On one hand, they will be speaking to Optimus, their attention on him just long enough for me to enter the chamber, alone. They have no reason to believe that I am working alongside you. I will distract them until all of you are in a position to strike. By then, I will be close to Ratchet, and will intercept any attempts to utilize him while the attack commences." Megatron explained impatiently. "I will use the main entrance, while you all split yourselves between the other two." He pointed to the three ways into the dungeon. "Am I understood?"

"Won't they get defensive when you get all up in their business?" Wheeljack pulled out one of his katanas and a small block sharpener, working the blade quietly as he thought. "Rumble hasn't exactly spoken highly of you. Neither has Kickback. Do you think they'll welcome you in, all buddy buddy?"

The warlord's engines rumbled pleasantly. "I pray that you haven't forgotten my mastery of deception." He touched the purple insignia on his chest, smirking in a way he hadn't since the war. Optimus didn't miss it. "Have faith in my ability to stroke Rumble's ego until you all are ready."

The plan seemed well enough, but Optimus had one problem. "If I am interacting with Rumble via the feed, I cannot be present in the mission." He said slowly.

Megatron's optics locked on him. "If you are at home, behaving like normal, they won't have reason to suspect you." He spoke with little sympathy. "This is how it has to be. We want the best chance at surprising them."

Optimus didn't like that. He couldn't imagine handing Ratchet's safety over to Megatron. All this time, he had pictured himself saving his mate. "Megatron, I can't stand by while Ratchet is being saved." He argued.

"Do you want him back or not?" The warlord was impatient and snappy, hissing unpleasantly. "Optimus, I am running this operation. You handed the responsibility over to me when you asked me to find the mole. I will carry it until it has been resolved. Step aside and allow me to do so."

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