Chapter Three: Back on the Radar

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"Hey, Optimus?"

Pausing from tapping away at a keyboard, Optimus answered the call. "Hello, Bulkhead." He was seated in the medbay, typing up late reports, despite it being his day off. Behind him, Ratchet and Knock Out were working leisurely, bantering as usual. They both quieted politely.

"Do you and Ratchet have a minute? Or. . . A lot of minutes?"

Optimus leaned back in his chair. Bulkhead didn't sound stressed or frightened, there wasn't anything wrong. He did, however, sound embarrassed and shy. "Of course, what do you need?" He gestured for his mate to join him.

"Well, uh, this is going to sound a bit odd, but I have a gift for you guys."

Ratchet appeared behind him, resting his servos on his Prime's shoulders. "Is it a new assistant?" He snarked, and behind him, Knock Out scoffed.

"Oh yes, I'm the assistant. You know, you're in my medbay, Autobot."

"We'll meet you shortly." Optimus dismissed politely, ending the call and rising to his pedes. "You'll join me?" He regarded his medic with a smile. Ratchet glanced around his work, venting.

"Yes, I can always pick up here tomorrow. At the moment, medical service isn't a large priority. Everything is engineering, now." He closed a pair of cabinets and tucked away his tools. "Bulkhead said he has a gift?"

"That is what he said, yes."

"Hmm." Ratchet slipped a couple datapads into his subspace, humming in thought. "If Miko and Wheeljack were present, I wouldn't spare a thought. I've been through that prank once or twice." A small smile graced his lips, and Optimus felt his own wave of affectionate nostalgia at the thought of the human girl. "We'll have to visit soon. Rafael will have questions." Ratchet patted his sparkchamber, where the spark of their youngling was growing. A few weeks had passed, and he wasn't at the point of showing quite yet, but the growth was well on the way.

"Let's not keep Bulkhead waiting." Optimus took his servo; he had made a habit of holding his mate's hand whenever they walked together. It made him proud that they could have a public relationship, after eons of hiding around.

"Have fun, kids," Knock Out waved without looking up as they departed.

"Thanks for coming." Bulkhead greeted with a warm smile. He was fidgety and nervous. "Uh. . . Walk with me?" Optimus and Ratchet exchanged looks. "Humor me." He pressed.

Ratchet pulled his mate after the wrecker, following the newly cleaned sidewalk under bright streetlights. The roads near the first apartment building had been restored, and now glowed brilliantly, providing peaceful nightly strolls for many habitants. They passed the next apartment building that was in the process of being built; it was almost halfway done, now that Kickback had stepped up and took charge. Ratchet glanced at it with a proud smile. The Insecticon had done better than anyone would've expected.

Five minutes passed, and the sun was setting. Bulkhead was quiet and jittery. Optimus was enjoying the walk, squeezing his mate's servo every so often.

They came to a housing unit. The pair of mates stopped, their expressions changing to a look of surprise. Previously, the area had been searched for any intact homes that could be utilized, and had found that every unit in the city was destroyed. Optimus remembered the day that this city was mercilessly bombed. He noted with a pang that four streets over was where Mirage had perished.

This house was in perfect shape. The outside was painted nicely, the porch decorated with potted crystals, and soft light came from the windows, casting over the front yard. It looked welcoming and peaceful.

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