Chapter Two: Oh So Well

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 New ships were arriving every week, crews of Cybertronians flocking back, 'bot and 'con alike. They had all received the same message, the war was over, it didn't matter what faction you belonged to, it was time to forget the past and begin building the future. Most were overjoyed that the years of fighting were done, and came ready to throw aside what they had been previously. Tension was very present, those who had unsettled business struggled with moving forward, but they were on their way.

Habitants were arriving faster than buildings were being built. One apartment building had been finished, and two more were on the way. The first goal was making living space for those returning home. Many still had to stay in their ships, or sleep in tents, while more living space was underway. The first rebuilt city would consist mainly of apartment buildings and housing units, just to support the new life. Bulkhead had kindly stepped forward, and was leading the construction, put in a position of responsibility and leadership. He had done wonders for their planet. His first building was beautiful, created with great passion and care, as were all of his projects. Optimus found himself pleasantly surprised with the wrecker. He was proud to call the green mech a friend.

Ratchet had collected his belongings from Earth, and was on Cybertron to stay. He assisted in creating plans for Bulkhead's projects, his knack for engineering roaring to life. During the day, he was consulting construction workers, meeting with Bulkhead, and assisting Knock Out in providing any and all with medical care. At night, he was cozied up with Optimus, proofreading his reports, massaging his back, and sharing his berth. Both of them were under stress, but as they had always before, made time for one another. Optimus made it his goal to greet every single incoming habitant, personally welcoming them home. He kept records of everyone returning, and showed them where they could help based off of their strengths. He had made many friends, and he was proud that nobody seemed to hate him.

Many days, Ratchet would be at his side when he was at his welcoming post. He had grown very accustomed to the line: "Hello, I am Optimus Prime, this is my mate, Ratchet."

For the first time, they were open about their relationship. All of the feedback was positive, and everyone congratulated them kindly. Incoming habitants were often charmed to be greeted by a happy couple.

Everything was going so, so well.

Optimus was turning this over in his helm as he stood at the opening of the city, his mate by his side, watching a ship land a small distance away. "Decepticon," Ratchet murmured to him, gesturing to the large purple insignia. "Former ones, at least." He added.

The crew was small, three mechs, all polite and eager to take part. None of this was out of the ordinary, other than the fact that one of them was an Insecticon. The beast was decorated with faded purple and green, and his visor was bright and shining. Optimus didn't let his surprise show. It was shocking that this creature was a part of a crew instead of a hive. It was even more shocking that he was extremely charming.

"Greetings! Welcome home. I am Optimus Prime, and this is my mate, Ratchet."

The other two mechs nodded and shook hands, while the Insecticon stepped forward eagerly. "And a beautiful one at that, thank you for coming to greet us! I had half a mind to expect an ambush. Instead, we've had the honor of meeting the two of you. I'm Kickback, it's a pleasure." He bowed. His voice was shrill and had a slight echo to it, sounding from deep in his throat.

"The pleasure is ours." Ratchet bowed his helm, exchanging a pleasant look with his leader. "Welcome back to Cybertron."

The crew fit in easily, and Kickback joined the construction. Optimus saw him at the same time every morning, exchanging pleasant greetings with Bulkhead. He was punctual, polite, and a hard worker. Optimus felt that he had been judgemental of Insecticons in the past, in all honesty, he had never known them to have such kind capacity.

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