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On their way to where Mingi would be staying, Ari had been talking non-stop. Catching Mingi up with everything that's happened since he left, from graduating from high school to meeting Yunho, to attending university.

And unfortunately, Ari wouldn't keep her big mouth shut when she began talking about the moments the two had together, from the best to the worst moments. The worst being every time Yunho embarrassed himself, and she laughed like a maniac.

Yunho was sitting in the back seat of the car so that Ari and Mingi could talk and reconnect. He wanted to defend himself from the stories, but was too nervous. Back on the runway, when he had first met the younger, he didn't seem to keen on making friends with the blonde.

In fact, it seemed that Mingi didn't like him.

So to speak, while he and Ari was... is essentially terrifying.

But he enjoyed hearing their conversation. Ari seemed to light up with her (literal) other half around. Her smile was brighter, and she seemed to be glowing, and because of that, Yunho was happy. Seeing his best friend happy like this was a win for Yunho.

On top of that, he got to experience how loud Mingi was. He was used to it, though, as Ari was louder and he himself was a bit loud at times. He also got to hear Mingi's laugh, one that put a smile on Yunho's face.

And, oh, his voice. It was almost addicting.

"Right Yu?" Ari looked at Yunho through the rearview mirror, and he was snapped back out of his thoughts like a lost child. Ari noticed, laughed, then repeated what she had said while Yunho zoned out, "I said this café near your university, La Café, it's really good right?"

Yunho breathed out curtly, then nodded, "Yeah."

Ari smiled, "See? So for your first meal back will be delicious."

Wait what? Yunho perked up at what she said. They don't mean that they'll be going there now. That can't work. The person he canceled his date with works there. He would've been caught it a lie- but it would be fine, right?

Yunho was silently panicking, he could only hope that the boy wasn't working today.

They arrived at the small café, getting out of the car, Ari still beaming with obvious happiness. Yunho followed behind the twins, thinking of ways to avoid the boy or rather hide from him all together. He kept telling himself the boy wouldn't be working, that he wouldn't have asked him out on a day he had work. He kept reassuring himself, hoping that it was true.

That wasn't the case.

The boy was working at the cashier, helping a customer at the moment, so Yunho was given a moment to try and hide. Curse his height. He couldn't hide behind Ari, no, she was too small. Mingi? Maybe-yes. He could. But, would he? No.

Instead, he tapped Ari quickly and looked from her to the cashier. She picked up immediately and forced Mingi in front of Yunho.

Mingi protested until cut off by Ari, "Sh. Yu was supposed to go on a date today with the cashier, he can't get caught in a lie." Mingi looked over to the register, taking note of the fact it was a boy at the register.

Yunho assumed Mingi didn't object to it because of his sister, who was obviously not going to listen to him. Thank god for his best friend.

"Okay, the usual?" She directed the question to Yunho who was still hiding behind Mingi, crouching a bit to completely hide behind the other. He made a sound of agreement, loud enough for the girl to hear.

Mingi took a few moments to look over the menu, commenting about how everything seemed good, before deciding on his choice.

Ari made Mingi go with Yunho to find a table, for the sake of the two bonding and for Yunho who really was trying to avoid the cashier.

They found a table towards the back of the store in a corner, Yunho sitting on the seat farthest from the cashier, Mingi seating across. An awkward silence fell between the two and Yunho couldn't stand it, he wanted to break the silence desperately but feared of annoying the other. Lucking, the younger broke it before Yunho could overthink too much.

"So, the cashier?" A light pink dusted Yunho's face at the mention, from both embarrassment and the thought of the cute boy, he nodded hesitantly, and the other nodded his head.

And it was at this moment, he knew, he fucked up.

He hadn't processed that the cashier was a male, not a female. That he had, literally, come out to a person he met only an hour ago.

Yunho sat up straight immediately, eyes wide and panic welling up in his chest, "Wait-" Yunho stopped when Mingi let out a short laugh, "Don't worry, I'm not homophobic, it's okay." Yunho was reassured by the other and deflated slightly, he was still on edge from the other knowing he was gay so soon, but having those words leave the other's mouth was nice.

Not to mention, he got to hear more of Mingi's low laugh and voice, something he would not admit to liking.

"All done." Ari plopped down in the seat beside Yunho, slamming the receipt on the table with a smile, "You guys bond?"

"He knows I'm gay, so sure." Yunho mumbled, still processing the past events.

"What?!" Ari near screamed, causing eyes to turn in their direction and her having to say a little sorry. "It took you forever to tell me! What's so special about my brother? You met him an hour ago! The fuck!" Ari was shocked to say the least.

"The date with the cashier gave it away," Yunho put his head in his arms, wanting to crawl in a hole and stay there for the rest of his life.

A small "Oh" was all Ari said when Mingi began to chuckle, "Well, since it seems to be a coming out party, I'm gay too."

Ari's shock was directed to Mingi now, with Yunho picking his head up in surprise.

"Well, not gay, omnisexual. You get the point, though." His sisters jaw was dropped, Yunho equally surprised- just not as expressively as Ari.

"And you didn't tell me this sooner, why?"

"I was in a fucking boarding school." Mingi smiled sweetly but his words oozing with sarcasm.

"You could've told me when you got off the plane," she mumbled while Mingi rolled his eyes and retorted, "And say what? Oh, hi sis! I'm gay! Not gay, but omnisexual- you know, pan with a preference!" He acted out the last half, words just as sarcastic as his actions.

"Whatever! I'm happy you told me, though." She smiled and Mingi seemed to get shy at the sudden tenderness.

"Here we are...!" The waiter exclaimed, placing their drinks and some sweets on their table.

They all thanked the waitress who smiled and went back to her job. They filled up the rest of the time at the café talking, this time, Yunho more inclusive, gaining more confidence in talking with the other. So, by the time they were heading out of the café, Yunho was giggling at what the other male said as he threw out his trash.

"Yunho?" The said male stopped in his tracks, his forgotten fear making its appearance as he turned to face the boy he lied to.



[A/N: another long chapter from me-]

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