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It had been a few days since Yunho's 'date' with Wooyoung, he didn't really know if that's what he would call it anymore since that's not really how it went down and they had both ended up talking about other guys that were on their mind. Apparently the date, Wooyoung decided, could be considered as something to make their 'boy toy's' (as he called their crush's) jealous.

Yunho wouldn't consider what he had for Mingi was a crush, if he had anything at all, but it would make sense as well, so he'd just been turning the thought over in his head until he settled on a forming crush.

Yunho sighed and finished the last touched of make up on his face.

"Why was that sigh so deep?" A voice called out from behind him where Wooyoung was fixing his attire.

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking about-" Wooyoung quickly walked over to Yunho and finished his sentence smoothly.

"Mingi." Yunho flushed and even through his makeup, it was a deep rose.

"Look Yunho, you want to make him want you, right?" Wooyoung asked and Yunho flushed even deeper, "Well that's-"

"So then, when we get to this party,  you're going to strut your stuff in that fucking amazing outfit, and you're going to get his attention, and boom, easy-peasy. You do not chase, you attract." Wooyoung stated as he put dark eyeshadow on his eyes and did some other finishing touches to Yunho's makeup.

"Right, and you're going to do the same for San?" Wooyoung flushed and Yunho felt his pride soar when he was able to make Wooyoung flustered the same way he made him.

"Of course, only, I'll need to use you a little... you know like dancing and stuff, the typical, cliché shit that everyone falls for." Wooyoung explained, then smiled after looking at Yunho's finished look, "You look hot."

Yunho went red and slapped him, causing Wooyoung to giggle, "Shut up, let's just go."


When the two arrived, there was already loud music blasting and people pouring out everywhere.

The party was a welcome home party for Mingi, and by some weird coincidence, the boy Wooyoung had the hots for was a close friend of Mingi.

Yunho and Wooyong walked into the house and the muffled music outdoors got even louder and clearer. Ari was already at the front so when she saw them she smiled and greeted them.

"Yunho!" She hugged the taller boy then turned to Wooyoung with a smirk, "Yunho's date."

Wooyoung smiled and shook her hand, "I'm Wooyoung,"

Ari seemed to like Wooyoung and gave Yunho a look that made Yunho blush and roll his eyes.

"I'll leave you too love birds alone," She winked then left.

Wooyoung chuckled then looked around, "Over there. The boy candy, drinks, and dance floor."

Yunho followed where Wooyoung was pointing and saw it all, Mingi with a group of people, the drinks, and the large crowd of dancing people.

"Right." Wooyoung grabbed Yunhos hand and pulled his towards the drinks, "Let's have a few of these then let's get some candy." Wooyoung winked at him before handing him a red cup full of alcohol.

"Cheers." They both drank it quickly before repeating it a few more times before they were tipsy.

"Game time Yu," Yunho laughed then nodded, "I'm about to help you score the biggest piece of candy you've ever wanted." Yunho said, making Wooyoung surprised and chuckle.

"I could say the same thing." The wooyoung pulled yunho into the crowd and began to dance to the music easily. yunho felt a little awkward at first but when wooyoung and alcohol encouraged him, he fell into a rhythm easily.

wooyoung grinned at yunho then moved closer before dancing sexily with each other, letting everyone stare at them.

yunho hadn't had so much fun since he could remember. he drowned out everything else but the music and didn't mind when other people came to dance with him and wooyoung.

that was until the yunho watched the bodies dancing with wooyoung get pulled off him and another man took wooyoung and dragged him away. yunho was going to go and say something before he was pulled into a person.

"Let me go." Yunho turned around to push the stranger off him but the hold on him got tighter and the man didn't let him go, he only spoke, "Don't fight pretty, i know you like it."

"Get the fuck off me!" Despite Yunho being quite tall, the man was close to his height and had a firm grip. Yunho really wanted ghe creep to let him go but he didn't.

"Leave-" Yunho was cut off when another person spoke and yanked him off.

"He said get the fuck off him you asshole." Yunho looked at Mingi who was fuming, the other stranger was cowering a bit in front of Mingi.

"It's not my fault he's a fucking whore-" He stopped when Mingi punched him. The crowd around him dispersed and watched the two.

The man fell to the floor and spit out blood along with a tooth, "What the fuck?!"

"Get the fuck out." Mingi said and watched the man scurry out of the house.

Mingi turned to Yunho, hard eyes softening immediately, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... thanks." Yunho was a little shaken up so he couldn't help his hand shaking slightly. Mingi seemed to notice and frowned slightly before taking the boy and pulling him away from the crowd.

He took Yunho upstairs and to a room that was clean, but rather empty. Has to be the guest room, yunho thought.

"I'm sorry Yunho- I just saw that creep on you and when he insulted you like that I just-"

"Hey hey hey," Yunho took his hand and held Mingis face to make him look at him, "It's okay. I'm okay. I mean it, thank you."

Mingi looked directly at Yunho, eyes flickering down to Yunho's lips.

"Can I kiss you?" Yunho was taken aback and blinked, "What?"

"Fuck i'm sorry that's- you're probably- fuck, i'm so-"

Yunho closed the gap between them and connected their lips. Mingi was surprised but kissed back immediately, grabbing Yunho's hips. Mingi didn't waste much time before swiping his tongue across Yunho's lips. Yunho gasped and Mingi immediately slid his tongue into Yunho's mouth and Yunho moaned, which was swallowed by Mingi.

Yunho wasn't sure how long they made out for but he couldn't get enough of it. When Mingi pulled away Yunho whined and his face followed Mingis for a second.

"Why'd you stop?" Yunho said breathlessly and waited as Mingi caught his breath before looking Yunho in his eyes.

"Yunho," Mingi started, "Can I fuck you?"

[A/N: merry christmas everyone!!]

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