The death of Carmen Winstead

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'Hi my name is Carmen Winstead. I am seventeen years old. I am very similar to you. Did I mention to you that I'm dead? A few years ago a group of girls pushed me down a sewer hole, to try and embarrass me. When I didn't come back up the police came. The girls said that I fell and everyone believed them. The police found my body in the sewer. I had a broken neck and my face was torn off.'

"Look girls, the little neek is about to cry" Ruby-Mae's friend all laughed hysterically. "Go cry to your mother." All the girls smirked and Lexi-Rose continued "Oh right...she's dead!" The girls all burst out laughing. "Bet your council self couldn't even afford mummy's funeral." Carmen's mother died of an overdose three year ago and Carmen has never been the same since - all the cheeriness, happiness and hope left with her mother when she passed away. "Well at least my mom isn't a drug trafficker" she spat at Ruby-Mae confidently although she knew what she had done wrong. The girls all went silent before Ruby-Mae spoke "You dirty little rat, you think you can talk about my family like that. Well at least I don't have an alcoholic dad and a dead mother, I have a loving family and we don't live like tramps like you do; so you might as well go where tramps belong!" She then pushed Carmen down the sewer hole as the rest of the girls looked shocked and backed away. "Don't worry wimps, she'll find her way out." Ruby-Mae said as she dragged the girls away quickly.

Down in the sewer, Carmen lay, her neck was snapped into an unnatural position and her face was a mess. Her body was pouring out blood from all different places especially her face. Rats swarmed her body eating the flesh off of her face. Nobody could hear her screams from below the ground and nobody ever did.

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