The Second Possession

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"Welcome Year 12, this assembly today is dedicated to Ruby-Mae Thomas Bent, who recently has passed away. We just want to remind you that even though this has been a huge loss to us all, we must continue with our day to day lives and move on quickly. Thank you." Mrs Fenwick walked off the stage and headed out of the hall as everyone started talking again. Her parents organised a funeral that weekend although it was only a small gathering.

On Saturday morning, the rain was pouring down and everyone was huddled in groups under  their umbrellas. During the service, there was lots of sobbing and muttering and the girls just couldn't handle the pain - so soon they headed inside for the food. Inside was once again filled with dullness and sorrow, everyone sitting at their tables and nibbling on food quietly. The girls were sitting at their table, chatting to themselves as Conner slowly started to walk over. "Ex-boyfriend alert." Alison looked over her shoulder as she said this to the group. The girls all looked at him as Olivia gave a distressed look as she stood up and said "I can't stand to be around him anymore... I'm heading to the bathroom." She started walking over to the ladies room as Alison followed saying "Oh I'll come with! I need to touch up my make-up."

Conner slowly walked over and sat in the seat next to Lexi, as she quickly spun around and saw him there. "Oh hey Conner, I didn't see you there!" She said with a fake tone of surprise. Conner shuffled towards Lexi's seat and said "Lex, I'm so sorry... I didn't know." Conner looked as if he were about to cry ; whether it was because of Ruby or this. "It's ok Conner...nobody did." She gave him a small smile as she grabbed her cup a small sip of her water. Suddenly, she started choking and Conner rushed over to help her as her eyes rolled back and she fainted. "Woah Lex, you ok?" Conner says in shock. The girls rush to help her when they see her in Conner's arms. "Oh my gosh! Lexi!" Alison grabs her from Conner's arms and sits her on her chair as Olivia pulls him to the side and whispers "You should go now...she doesn't need you." Conner looks at Lexi as she slowly regains her consciousness. "Right, see you around." Olivia nods and walks round to check on Lexi as Conner walks back towards his table. Lexi opens her eyes and looks at the girls as they smile at each other and start talking to her - all of it sounds muffled as she slowly gets up and walks towards the exit of the tent. "Lexi! Lexi! Where are you going?" the girls yell as they run after her.

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