Bye, bye Alison

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"Evening Officers, we have been asked to re-open the case of the recent deaths of Carmen Winstead, Ruby-Mae Thomas-Bent, Lexi Adams and Olivia Quinn" Benjamin says as he walks into the room and sits at his desk. He grabs his cup of coffee from the coaster and takes a sip as he looks around the room. "But Ben, didn't we agree it was a suicide?" Will asks as he walks around towards the cappuccino machine. "We did, but I looked into the deaths recently realising that all of these suicides came out of the blue... it's like everything came tumbling down after the death of Carmen Winstead" Benjamin says as he opens his desk drawer pulling out the case folder. "Well, all I know is that they were all friends right? I don't know much about these girls." Anthony says as he walks towards the computer. "As Ruby's cousin, I know she had three best friends - there was Lexi, Olivia and..." He grabs his finished coffee and walks towards his desk continuing "I think it was Alice or Alison or something." He sits at his desk and grabs a folder saying "Ah yes, Alison Bancroft!" Benjamin shuffles towards Will's desk and looks at the folder Will was holding and said "Well then we know what to do next. Bring Alison in!" Benjamin calls the receptionist to organise a meeting with Alison and then walks out the office with his briefcase waving behind him.

The next day Alison was called in for questioning at the police investigation department, the receptionist led her down the narrow corridors to a large room with a desk in the middle and two desks on the side with computers and papers covered all over. At the middle desk sat Benjamin, shuffling papers and Will and Anthony sat at their desks vigorously typing not even looking up when Alison walked in nervously. "Ah, Alison! It's so lovely to meet with you, please take a seat!" Benjamin puts his papers to the side and motions her to sit in the seat in front of him. Alison shuffles into the seat and slumps her bag on the floor as Benjamin says "Now, I know you are mourning now due to your loss, but I really need these questions to be answered for your sake, okay?" Alison nods and Benjamin starts again. "Recently, I have noticed all these deaths have happening round your friendship group, because it would really help to know-" Benjamin carries on talking and doesn't notice as Alison's eyes roll back and she sits up straight and interrupts him "Mhm, mhm, mhm. Now, I was wondering why we aren't talking about these two." She points either finger towards Anthony and Will and grins. Anthony and Will look up and realise what's happening. "What about those two?" He says both confused and angry at the same time. "Huh, you don't know... that's odd, shall we tell him boys?" Anthony and Will look at each other nervously and motion to her saying please don't tell him. "Ok, we shall. Basically Will came out last month as gay and started dating Anthony, who is also gay, making them get in trouble since you're not allowed to date work colleagues-" Benjamin was fuming and interrupts, yelling "WHAT!". Alison quickly stands up and grabs her bag off of the floor and walks towards the door "I'll let you guys figure this out. Toodles!" She slams the door and skips down the hallway with Benjamin's muffled yelling in the distance.

When Alison got home, she ran a bath as she went down into the kitchen looking for a knife of some sort, she grabbed the steak knife and ran upstairs locking the bathroom door. Once full, she slammed the knife into her arm, working it round until it finally fell off onto the bathroom floor, blood spilling everywhere and tears streaming down her face. She sat in the bath tub fully clothed before submerging her lifeless body down.

It was around an hour later when her mum arrived home, and said "Alison love, I'm home!" There was no reply but she just assumed Alison didn't hear her and walked upstairs looking for her. She stopped outside the bathroom as she saw blood spilling from under the door and screamed "ALISON! ARE YOU IN THERE? WHAT IS HAPPENING?!"She burst open the door and fell to her knees in tears, blood was all over the flor and a blood-covered steak knife was dropped on the floor outside the bathtub. The bath water was pigmented red and the water was spewing out of the tub with the water still running and there was a clear view of her flesh. Alison's mother grabbed her phone calling the police immediately and a recovery team and police were sent straight away to collect the body.

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