🍋(Jose) My Lorelei Epilogue🍋

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Not enough smut for my boy Jose
Thus why this epilogue is made


Your relationship with Jose is getting better day by day, and the two of you is growing even closer every second. He told you what happened to his life and vice versa. With so much horrible things happened to him such as being accused as a thief by the queen herself, no wonder he became very stressed and and tried to ward everyone off. You even heard from Demi he often doesn't go to sleep and spends most of his nights drinking his stress away. To the point he passed out due to the alcohol antoxication.

He told you the reason he did this because he couldn't stand the nightmares and guilt that's been haunting him everytime he sleeps. But thankfully, ever since you two became lovers you helped tucking him to sleep. But it doesn't stop him entirely from doing the alcohol method, and it made you really worried. You fear if he keeps doing this, he'll succumb to alcohol poisoning.


You went into the dining room, it was in the middle of the night. Worried about Jose, you checked in his room and sure enough he's not there. So the only place he'll be at is the dining room.

You saw Jose chugging down another glass of drink, a few empty bottles are already present on the table. Which means he's already drinking from a few hours ago.

"Hey Jose.."

Ignoring your call, Jose poured himself another glass. You feeling a little bit frustrated, stomped your way to the sailor and snatched away his wine filled glass.

"That's enough"

"..." Jose still didn't respond.

"You'll seriously get hurt if you keep this up"

"...I'm sorry"

A drop of tear started to roll down from his eye.

"I'm sorry, it's just... I'm really scared. The guilt really haunts me... I couldn't sleep. Even if I wanted to, I can't" More tears dripped down his cheek. And the fact that he's sober too, the pain that he's going through can't be looked down upon.

"And I even saw a nightmare... Where you left me.. In which, I'm not going to be surprised if that happens... I don't want to burden you.. But... I don't want to lose you..." His hand trembled as it reached out to yours. You gently took his hand and carressed it

"Oh Jose..." You cupped his cheeks with your hand and wiped his cheeks with your thumb. You pressed your lips against his forehead in an attempt to reassure him, and it worked a little.

"I would never leave you. No matter how low or how broken you've become, I will never leave you. Because it's you and only you that I love. Please don't think too lowly of yourself, you're worth more than you think you know" You gently hugged Jose. He relaxed into your touch, putting his head on your chest.

"You may have blamed yourself over what happened, but even right now you're trying to redeem it right? That effort alone is already more than enough. Most people would've given up already, but you have the courage to continue. You're a really strong person Jose, and that's what I love about you" You tighten your embrace, Jose wrapped his arms around you.

"So please don't think too much of what happened. We came here to this manor because we have a goal right? Your very own goal to retrieve your family's dignity. Let's reach that goal together okay?" You could feel Jose gave you a nod, you sighed in relief. You took the glass in your hand and brought it to your mouth, drinking every last drop of wine in it.

You put down the glass then lift up Jose's face with your hands. Your lips met with his, opening your mouth a little so you can share the drink in your mouth with him. He kissed back and gulped the drink you gave him. After you two finished the drink, you pulled away.

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