🍋(Jack) Deal🍋

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Something I made in bcs I was horny.

So a bit shorter than usual

We were having a match at Lakeside Village, the match just started so we don't know who's the hunter yet. I spawned near the big ship. And if I remember the spawning points correctly, the hunter also spawned near here and most likely will look for a survivor here since there's a cipher machine nearby. I don't want to come across the hunter first, if I did I want to be in a good kiting area. So the best chance is to decode on the ship, since there's usually a cipher machine on the ship .

I went up to the second floor of the ship and sure enough, a cipher machine. Without wasting any moment, I put my hands on the cipher machine and starts typing away. All of my teammates starts shouting their decoding progress, which means the hunter hasn't chased anyone. I hope I'm not first. I shouldn't have jinxed it, my heart started beating signalling the hunter is near.

I looked around to see where the hunter is going to come, the beating in my heart is getting louder. Then I see red light going up the stairs alongside the sound of someone humming, it's Jack. I was about to start running, but then I saw Jack spinning around. Oh he's friendly, I sighed in relief. But I'm still being cautious of course, he could be being FFH.

My hands went back to the cipher machine and starts decoding again, while Jack came up to me and watch me decode.

"You're not gonna go FFH right?" I asked, still unsure.

"Don't worry, I won't milady. I'm not in the mood to do a match anyways" He shrugged.

"Huh, okay then" I continued decoding, while Jack sprinkled some peepers around the area to make my decoding speed slower.

"Seriously Jack?" I sweatdropped.

"Well, I'm quite bored. There's no way I'm just gonna stand around doing nothing right?"

"Just look for the others then, maybe they want to play with you"

"Hmmmmmm, no"


"Because I want to spend time with you (y/n)" Jack wrapped his hands around me and gently embraced me from behind, trying not to hug me too tight so that his claws won't impale me. I felt my face burn up, and I heart another heartbeat starting to beat inside my chest.

"T-thank you, I guess. Good to hear I can keep you company" I tried to play cool. Jack chuckled and nuzzled his face on my neck. I sighed with a smile and continued decoding.

When my decoding is halfway done, I heard a clanking sound like something dropped below the ground under me. I looked down to see that Jack took off his metal claws.

"Jack? What are you doing?" I faced Jack. Not only his metal claws, but he also took off his mask.

"Hmm? Oh nothing, I just wanna have some fun" He lightly pecked my cheek, blush dusted my cheek.

"Can I (y/n)?" He asks for permission.

"Just do what you want to do Jack" I replied with my focus back on the cipher machine.

"Do what I want to do? Okay then" Jack starts nibbling on my neck, I let out a little grunt. He starts from nibbling to leaving a small trail of kisses on the nape of my neck, I whined from his actions.

"J-Jack, what are you doing?"

"I'm doing what I want to do"

This asshole, at this rate I can't concentrate on decoding. Jack kept kissing the nape of my neck, making me let out light whines. Since I couldn't focus, my decoding speed went slower. His hands that were wrapped around me, one of them start sliding around my body before stopping on one of my boobs. His hands gently kneading my boob, I let out a moan.

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