🥀(Aesop) Remembered🥀

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I got the idea from listening Bride of Necro.

So be warned this chapter contains slight NECROPHILIA

You have been warned uwu

Aesop was walking down the aisle as he remembered those days. Those good and fun days with you.

"Morning Aesop!"

"Morning (y/n)"

"Have you read this new book in the library? It's so good! And the plot twist is so top notch"

"Really? Now I'm interested"

He remembered it, the day when you first came into the manor. You're still a shy but also an outgoing person, your laughter and smile is contagious.

"H-hello there everyone! I'm (y/n)(l/n) the (occupation). But you can call me (y/n)"

He remembered it. The times where the two of you would participate in a match, he remembered how clumsy you would be.

"I'm gonna go rescue! Aesop can you throw that flare gun near that chest?"

"Sure" Aesop picked up the flare gun and threw it to you.

"I got it-OUCH" You try to catch the flare gun but it slipped from your hands and lands on your foot.

"That's the thousandth time it happened in this match (y/n)" Aesop sweatdropped.

He remembered it. The day where you approached him, the day where you two became friends.

"Thank you for saving me in the match today Aesop, your skill is so cool!"

"Oh..uh.. You're welcome, that's my job after all"

"Say, can we be friends? You seems like an interesting person, I want to know more about you!"

"I-uhhh..b-but I'm a boring person"

"Psshhhh 'boring'. Now that's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard, if you're boring there's no way I want to be your friend right?"

You even wanted to be friends with someone who's a pessimistic as him. On the contrast you're really optimistic, someone who really knows how to enjoy their life, know the way to have fun with others no matter how bad that person's mood is, living like there's no tomorrow.

Even him too, had so much fun when you're around. You're the actual living human being that he likes, and also loves. But he knew he stand no chance.

"Okay boys, last but not least. What do you guys think of (y/n)?" William asked the boys pack, they were talking about girls.

"She's funny, she's interesting, the just right adjusment for a human being" Eli answered.

"I like how you said human being instead of girl. And to be honest I agree" Naib responded.

"Her laughter is REALLY contagious, I always laughed along with her though nothing is funny" Kurt added.

"Her creative and crazy ideas are also a charm point. The way she cheered everyone up too!" Mike praised.

"Yeah, also have you heard her pick up lines? As someone who always flirt, I admit I lost to her" Kevin shook his head with a smile.

"I'm impressed as well, I bet she has a lot of people crushing on her before she came here" Jose chuckled.

"Speaking of crushes, I heard even some of the girls have a crush on (y/n)" Norton loudly whispered to the crowd.

Aesop just stayed quiet in the back, because he agrees to all the statements about you, he even could come up with 1000 more reasons why are you so perfect. But he knew he stands no chance, because most of the boys in the room also has a crush on you.

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