❤(Jose) My Lorelei Pt.1❤

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I just love Jose so much okay?

Also there's gonna be a lot of timeskip

And this is gonna be interesting to write since Jose dislikes music and all that jazz (no pun intended)

The morning sea breeze softly blew, the sounds of splashing waves echoed, the sun started to peek out from the east side of the horizon. Standing on the shore just on the very edge of the waves bare foot is a little girl with shiny (h/l)(h/c) hair that blew in the wind, (e/c) eyes that reflects the morning sun, and a fair (s/t) skin that somewhat symbolizes her innocence.

A wave of melodies came from the little girl's mouth, a beautiful acapella accompanied with the sounds of waves. It almost sounds like the sea is trying to make a musical simphony for the little girl's voice, the voice that's more beautiful than a mermaid's.


The little girl stopped singing and turned around when she heard her name being called. A small boy ran towards her.

"Jose! Morniiin' " You lifted your hand, asking for a high five. In which Jose gladly gives.

"Whatcha doing so early in the morning looking like a megalodon chased you?" You asked.

"Morning fencing class, I don't want to do it sooo....I ran" Jose scratched his cheek.

"*snort*oh my god. why?"

"Because I want to sail! But apparently my father said that I'm still to young and the other classes are mandatory"

"Maybe it is mandatory! What if there are pirates that came for your ship?"

"Hmmmmhhh. True but I hate my tutor, he's so harsh"

"That, I can't argue"

You and Jose are best friends even though you two had a different social status, as he's the son of viscount Baden and you're only the daughter of a fisherman. He met you when you're singing on the shore like before, and apparently that day he ran away from his singing test. You proceeded to teach him a thing or two, and since then the two of you became best buddies.

Every morning you who always sings on the shore, sometimes will get a visit from Jose, either running away from his lesson or he have so much free time that he can visit you. The two of you spent the morning by playing around, having small converstation, and even singing together. The latter is what you two did the most though, the both of you even have a song you made yourselves.

"But isn't running away just gonna make the situation worse?" The little girl asked the little boy.

"I-I know but, I just don't want to do it okay?"

"Jose Baden. Though looks so sweet and well behaved, is actually an idiot on the inside" You mocked with a smug face.

"You know (y/n), sometimes that smug personality of yours doesn't fit with the sweet singing voice you have" Jose tried to mock back.

"I don't caaaaareeee" You stick your tounge out.

"Oh why youuuu" Jose splashed a huge amount of water with his hands towards you.

"Hey! Oohoooo you're gonna pay for that!"

The two of you starts splashing water back and forth towards each other, laughter filled the area. Jose couldn't have that much fun due to the burden he has to carry as a Baden, so meeting you is like a miracle for him. Everytime he's with you, he can forget that he's a son of a Viscount.


"What the heck (y/n)!? I didn't splash that much water on you!"

"Ey this is already a war that you declared! The amount don't matter anymore" You said as you splashed more water.

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