🍋(MoonlightGentleman!Joseph) My Little Sheep🍋

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Also this is what the reader is going to wear

Also this is what the reader is going to wear

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Art by me

Sorry if it look weird, I was really sleepy when I drew this.

"Aaaaaa! your skin is really cute and fluffy (y/n)! I love iiit!" Tracy squeals as she's playing with the bell on my neck.

"Haha, thankies Tracy! Yours is cute too" I complimented her bear skin.

Today we have a match. And for some reason, the ones that are participating are wearing their animal skin. Tracy with her bear skin, Eli with his tiger skin, Naib with his Parasite skin, and me with my sheep skin. Wouldn't be funny if the hunter also wore an animal skin? Let's remember, which hunter has animal skins? Or at least, animal themed.

Hell Ember's "Tame", The Ripper's Manta Ray Mate, Mad Eye's Caterpillar, Just Gamekeeper in general, Geisha's Manchurian Crane and the two Peacock skin, and...


We heard the sound of a door opening over at the Hunter's waiting room. I caught a glimpse of who the hunter is.

A tall fine man with a black coat and a top hat, long and soft grey hair tied into a low ponytail, a bushy fluffy tail and a pair of wolf ears.

Joseph's Moonlight Gentleman.

You know what? This is kinda funny. So this kind of coincidence does exist huh?

I felt a dust of pink tinting my cheeks, I admit I might have a crush on Joseph.

Who am I kidding? I'm in love with him.

But there's no way he'll like me back. Though some knows and being supportive, a relationship between a survivor and a hunter will never work. I'm just a boring ordinary girl, meamwhile the one I'm in love in is a sophisticated fine young man. I let out a long sigh.

"What's wrong (y/n)?" Eli asked in a worried tone.

"The hunter is Joseph. Moonlight Gentleman" I answered.

"The wolfie skin. Good luck being the only prey (y/n)" Naib smirked.

"Umm.. Excuuuuse meee? Sheeps can be dangerous too you know"

"Well, if the sheep is you then I might have to agree"

"You have chosen death Subedar" I stood up, eye glaring at Naib. My hand went to the broken chair beside my seat and lifting it up.

"WHOA WHOA CHILL WOMAN" Naib frantically stood up as well, trying to run away from me.

"Uwaaaaaa (y/n) calm down!!" Tracy grabbed my shoulders, trying to stop me.

"I think (y/n) fits to be a predator more than you do Naib" Eli chuckled. His owl hooted, agreeing to the statement.

The four of us joked around and shared a laugh together. That's when I felt a pair of eyes staring at me, I looked around searching where is it coming from. My (e/c) eyes met with a pair of sharp, shining, cerulean eyes. Noticing my stare, the owner of those beautiful eyes turned his head. I wonder why Joseph stared at me like that?

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