💙(Norton) Another Chance💙

349 11 6

"I-I love you!"

"I love you too"

"R-really!? You mean it!?"

"Of course, even though we're both men, I love you so much (y/n)"

"I-I'm so happy! Thank you!"

I cried in my boyfriend's arms when he accepted my confession.


"Again? Really? Haven't I gave you a lot of money two days ago?"

"Please (y/n), I never thought my needs were that expensive. Only this once okay?"

"Hhhh okay then, anything for my beloved boyfriend"

I said as I gave another bulk of money to my boyfriend.


"Who's that woman...?"

"(y-y/n) wait! This is just my friend"


"Yeah, you're the only one that I love"

My boyfriend hugged me, I shot a glance over at the woman he's with.


"Again? I've given you so much this month!"

"Please (y/n), only this once"

"No! You've said that countless of times, you know how hard it is getting money nowadays?"

"Please (y/n), you love me right? Anything for your boyfriend?"

"Sorry, but no means no"

"Hnggghhh! Well I'm going to take it myself then!"

"Wait! What are you doing!? Don't you dare!"


A punch landed on my face. All the money in my wallet are gone once I recovered, he took them all.


"(y/n), please just break up with that asshole!"

"I-I can't, I still love him"

"(y/n), what you feeling is not love! That son of a bitch both physically and mentally hurt you!"

"Ah, I need to go. My shift is soon"

"What? But didn't you already did 3 shifts today?"

"I did, but I took another shift"

"(y/n), stop working yourself to death for that asshole! It's not worth it! He's not worth your love"

"I'm sorry, but if I didn't do it. He'll get mad again"

I walked away from my best friend going to my workplace. I tugged on one of my sleeve, I hope no one saw these bruises.



"Like I said, we're breaking up"

"B-but why? I thought you loved me!"

"Well to tell the truth, I never loved you (y/n)"


"Heyyyy babyyy, c'mon let's go. I'm bored waiting for you in the car"

It's he woman I saw with him before. But this time, she wore many jewelries and expensive bag, clothes, and shoes.

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