Walk Me Home

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By the end of the night, the two of you were damp from playing around. He asked if he could walk you home and you agreed.

Strolling through Seoul at night with the stars twinkling above was a joy for you. Though you were a night owl, you weren't technically outside at night often. You noticed he made sure to be the one standing closer to the street as you walked together. Conversations with Jungkook seemed effortless, it was like catching up with an old friend, just picking up right where you left off.

"I hear you're a hotshot at work now?" You peered up at him as the two of you walked side by side.

He laughed. "Nah, I don't think I am, but if you wanna say that, sure." He didn't like to brag about his achievements, and didn't think it was necessary. He just happened to be good at what he was doing and people saw his potential. That's how he got where he is today.

"Aren't you one of the top video game animator and designers?" That's a big deal if someone were to tell you that. It was something to be proud of, especially at his young age. You didn't see too many young people as ambitious as he was.

"Are you keeping tabs on me? Got a spy somewhere?" He teased you. He wasn't on social media and if he were, it was only because his friends tagged him in photos or videos. He never saw the point of putting your life on blast for others to see. So, even if you were to keep an eye on him, you weren't able to do so via social media.

You scoffed. "No, my mom told me. She loves to tell me how successful other people are." You always felt as though you'd never be good enough for your mom, no matter how hard you tried. Even growing up, she'd always put a lot of pressure on you.

"And what about you?"

You mumbled, "What about me?"

"Aren't you a successful writer, producer on a TV show?" He smiled, trying to also hype you up, trying to tell you how magnificent you were even though you didn't feel like it.

It's true you were. You had everything going for you, career wise at least, minus the cheating ex-boyfriend. You had your dream job, wanting to tell stories that you had in your head. You had been writing since you picked up your first pencil.

Your latest show received high ratings and it should be something you were proud of. You worked hard and tirelessly on this baby.

"Maybe I worked too much, too hard, and that's why U-jin cheated on me." And your mind was still there. It was hard to shake off how your career played a role in your relationship. Would it do the same in your next one? If there would even be a next one. You loved your career but at what cost?

He could see the sadness in your eyes that you were trying to hide, but you had to admit, the breakup hurt. You thought you were going to marry him, have kids, a house. It's possible you just felt lonely because that comfort and contentment that you had for the last few years was now gone. You needed to learn how to be alone again.

"Noona, what did I make you repeat earlier? I thought you were going to stop feeling sorry for yourself. Do we need to say it again?" He hated seeing you like this. Disappointed, sad, lonely. You didn't deserve this.

"No, please don't make me say it again." You sighed. "I forgot how much you annoyed me." You didn't want another pep talk from him. You were a grown woman, just taking a little time for some self-pity, to feel sorry for yourself before you'd eventually pick yourself back up again.

He chuckled. "Don't you miss it?" He cheekily smiled. That stupid smile made you flutter a little.

You nodded. "Yeah I kind of do."

"Yah--do you miss him because had a big dic-" Jungkook asked but you stopped him.

You waved your hands at him. "Bup-bup-bup! No, I'm not talking about that stuff with you." It was weird. He was like your little brother. You were not talking about sex with him. And why was that the first thing that came to his mind.

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