The Morning After

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Warning: Mature/Explicit Content

The soft pitter patter from the rain was your alarm this morning - your favorite kind of day to wake up to. It's been a long time since your bed was warm and cozy. Most nights and mornings were cold and lonely, but not this morning. This morning you found Jungkook sleeping peacefully on his stomach, his hair all fluffy and disheveled, urging you to run your hands through it. You even found his little snores endearing.

It was easy to fawn over this version of Jungkook, mostly because of what happened last night. You couldn't get it out of your head.

You moved a piece of hair away from his face and he softly stirred. You studied his face and saw the scar on his left cheek. Chuckling to yourself, you remembered when he and Yuna got into a fight when they were younger. You inched closer, nibbling on his ear lobe, trying to wake him. He groaned and began to stir. You continued to nibble until he peeked an eye open and a wide smile spread across his face.

"G'morning." He mumbled as he stretched.


"Have you been up long?"

"Mmhm. Long enough to make breakfast."

"Really?" His eyes widened at the thought of breakfast. He was starving.

You laughed. "No, I'm kidding. I just woke up." Mornings were not your thing, you were more of a night owl. And also cooking, not your forte, you could barely make a good pack of ramen.

"Mmm, let's cuddle and get order in." He pulled you in for a hug and kissed your temple.

"That sounds like a dream...but I have some things to do."

"Cancel them."

"Yuna would kill me if I canceled on her. We're doing more wedding dress shopping." You couldn't imagine giving any kind of excuses to your best friend right now, especially with her wedding in full swing. The expectation of your involvement was high.

Jungkook groaned because you wouldn't be able to get out of it. "How long until you have to leave?"

You sat up to check your phone. "I have two hours." Two hours until you'd waste your life away drinking more champagne while your best friend tries on more wedding dresses.

"Good, that's more than enough time."

"Enough time for what?" You asked, peering up at the sexy naked man in your bed.

"Time to redeem myself.

You laughed. "Are you referring to last night? It's fine." You didn't care that you weren't taken care of, watching him cum was satisfying enough.

He shook his head. "Not for me, it's not."

Intrigued by this man, you asked, "What are you suggesting then?"

He pulled you back into bed, having you straddle him. Even soft, his bulge felt sizeable. The oversized shirt you had on was in-between him and what he desired. He tugged at it, wanting you to take it off. You pulled it over your head, revealing your bare chest and a pair of black lace undies. "I could get used to this view."

You felt embarrassed and shy, and covered your face but he pulled you down for a kiss.

"I like these." He said, gesturing at your undies.

"Well I had to put on something sexier because you made fun of my other pair last night."

He let out a hearty laugh. "Did I hurt your feelings?" Still leaning against his chest, he reached up to press his lips against yours. The kiss was sweet and tender, just enough so he could inhale you. The heat in your core began to ache for him to continue.

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