Jungkook, the boyfriend...?

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With the sun barely peeking out over the skyline, you were up and ready to head to work. You texted Jungkook the night before letting him know where the show would be shooting and that he could come whenever he wanted.

You checked your phone constantly that morning. It's not like you thought he'd be there first thing, so you were unsure of why you were getting your hopes up. It was getting close to lunch when you checked your phone again, wondering where he could be.

"Are you late for something...?" Sora asked as she looked in her compact while powdering her nose.


"Why do you keep checking your phone?" She glared at you. She's never seen you like this before.

Geez she was nosey, couldn't she mind her own business? "No reason."

Sora, one of the main actresses on the show. Beautiful, tall, high maintenance, your typical actress. You tolerated her as best you could but you guys would butt heads whenever it came to her lines. She thought she knew better than the writer and producers. Was she a good actress? Yes, but she was a crappy human being. But if there was something she was weak for, it was a good looking man. She reeked of desperation when she saw one.

She peered over at you. "Are you dressed up for someone? You never look this nice."

You rolled your eyes at her comment. It's not that you didn't 'look nice' from time to time. You didn't have anyone to impress when you were with U-jin, not that you were trying to impress Jungkook. The linen jumpsuit hugging every curve of your figure, the soft structured leather jacket in contrast with it. Your hair pulled back into a half bun and your favorite gold fan earrings and round black glasses to complete your look.

Annoyed with her, you pretended to scribble in your notebook. "Don't you have lines to run or something?"

"Nope, I already memorized everything." She took a sip of her iced americano and something must have caught her eye because she choked a little, which made you chuckle.

I hope she chokes on more.

Sora cleared her throat and sat up in her makeup chair, "Is that a new extra or something? He's cute."

You look up to see Jungkook in a simple black tee, comfy gray hanbok pants, paired with black sandals. He's always had a boyish charm to him, reminding you of a boy next door. He was barefaced and his hair looked extra fluffy and tousled as he walked. His entrance was something out of a tv scene you'd write. He asked someone for something before they pointed in your direction. His expression brightened by his bunny smile as his eyes met yours. He waved cheerfully coming towards you.

Sora put her Americano down. "Oh my god. Oh my god. He's coming over." She looked in the mirror, fixing her hair. "Be cool!"

Be cool? You rolled your eyes again. Could she be any more pathetic? Jungkook was clearly attractive, you weren't blind, but seeing Sora fawn over him before she even met him made you chuckle. The Jungkook you knew when he was a boy didn't have the same effect as 24-year-old Jungkook.

"Hi, I'm Sora." She proceeded to say in her cutest aegyo voice. You wanted to gag.

He didn't even acknowledge her or maybe he didn't hear her. Instead, he greeted you. It was purely comical to watch Sora to flat out get rejected in front of you. What can you say? Karma's a bitch.

"Noona." He said sweetly, grinning from ear to ear as he approached.

Clearly, trying to get Jungkook's attention, Sora cleared her throat and tried again. "Hi..." She stood there with her legs crossed at the ankles, hands behind her back, gazing at him with puppy eyes.

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