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It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Not this soon. Everything was going to shit. Not like you had anything figured out anyway, but you just weren't expecting Yuna. Although you had spoken with Jungkook, nothing was set in stone, minus trying to keep your whole fling and/or relationship a secret. Well...the shitteth hath hitteth the faneth.

"Yuna, It's not what it looks like." Attempting to defend yourself, even though you were pretty sure she saw you kissing her baby brother.

She made her way past the two of you, walking into Jungkook's apartment. "Oh really?" She said with arms crossed and pursed lips. "So you weren't just sucking face with my little brother?" Her chest steadily heaving as the words came out of her mouth, trying to keep her cool, but how could she?

You gulped and opened your mouth to talk but Jungkook interrupted you.

"We're together." Jungkook proclaimed, taking your hand in his. You slightly curled your fingers, looking to pull away your hand from his but what would that be saying to Jungkook? Fuck, you were not ready for this. There was no way you were ready for this.

"What do you mean 'together''?" She asked in the same stance as earlier, no way Yuna was budging from this forbidden affair. She was going to get to the bottom of this tonight, no matter how long it took. You knew she was going to be upset, but you'd never seen her like this – enraged.

Jungkook cleared his throat, "She's my girlfriend." And he said that with all the confidence in the world, like he was so proud to finally say it out loud. Your eyes widened, almost choking on nothing when he said that. Girlfriend? The two of you had barely discussed being a fling, let alone being his girlfriend.

Yuna scoffed. "Girlfriend? You're kidding me right? She's almost ten years older than you," she said glaring at Jungkook. She couldn't believe the ridiculousness happening right in front of her eyes. "Get a hold of yourself Jungkook."

And that hit you right in the gut, then you realized how ridiculous it sounded, how this whole situation seemed. How could it possibly work? You and Jungkook? Like she said, you were almost a decade older than him, there was no way this would last. The pair of you were in completely different stages of life.

Yuna turned to you, pointing in a scolding manner. "And you. You couldn't find anyone else, so you decided to go after Jungkook? MY LITTLE BROTHER! Jesus fucking Christ. What the hell am I going to do with the two of you?" She began pacing back and forth in the living room while you and Jungkook stood by the doorway, unsure of where to go from here.

This whole conversation was all around horrible, nothing like you'd imagine, but also it was your worst fears coming true. You knew it'd come back to bite you in the ass, you were kicking yourself at this point.

Jungkook stood in front of you, every part of him wanting to defend the slander she was spewing. "Don't blame her. I made the first move."

You peered at Jungkook. It was your first time hearing him admit to anything like that, so you weren't going crazy and making things up in your head. He was clearly flirting and he also wanted to pursue this thing with you.

She stepped closer to her little brother. "So, you couldn't find anyone your age? Why my best friend?" Then Yuna glared at you, waiting for you to say something. "Do you have nothing to say for yourself?"

The back and forth of Yuna guilt tripping you and Jungkook was enough to make you crawl into a hole and never come back out. You lowered your gaze to the ground, in no way could you look your best friend in the eye at this moment. "...I'm sorry, Yuna. I didn't mean for you to find out this way."

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