You Deserve Everything and More

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The rehearsal dinner was a success. You were relieved that that part was over, but the wedding was only in the next few weeks. Then the real festivities would really begin. This was only a tiny piece of the bigger puzzle.

You began to clear out the décor sitting on the table and put them back in their boxes as someone approached you from behind.

"Hey," a voice chimed in.

You gazed up at the tall, handsome man with a soft smile. "Hey, Jin." He really did look dashing in a suit and tie.

Jin crossed his arms, leaning against the table. "I loved your speech, but I'm slightly offended that I didn't get asked to do one."

Along with Yuna and Namjoon's parents, you were the only one to give a speech. You laughed at his remark. He was a jokester, wasn't he? Imagine if you'd gone out on that date with Jin instead of going home with Jungkook.

"I'm sure they wanted to save your speech for the wedding reception. I think it'd make more of an impact," you chuckled, shaking your head.

"Ah–you're probably right. That's better for me so I can charm more people," he grinned, sending a wink. He uncrossed his arms, holding his weight on the table.

You stopped to look at him. "Are you always like this?"

Jin nodded. "Yes."

You continued cleaning, and Jin helped by picking up some things.

" are things with you and Jungkook?" The handsome man was intrigued by your relationship with his young friend. He'd only known Jungkook for a short period, but he grew to care for him like his brother. Jin could tell Jungkook was utterly head over heels for you. The constant pouting and groaning at work was a good indicator of his broken heart.

"Oh--um, I don't know. I haven't spoken to him for a few weeks now." You weren't lying, minus the short conversation from earlier tonight. You had kept your distance for fear of your feelings growing deeper if Jungkook became more persistent.

"I see. You should talk to him. I'd hate to see you guys not have a chance to try and work things out."

You didn't know Jin well, but you were surprised by his sudden advice. You wondered if Jungkook persuaded him to say something to you.

"That's sweet of you, but I don't know if things will work out between us." You'd thought long and hard about the two of you. The nine-year age gap, especially with an older woman pursuing a younger man, wasn't unheard of, but it certainly wasn't common. Your mind swirled at the thought of judgmental stares and whispers. You didn't think you could handle it.

He came over and handed you a handful of clothed napkins that he was collecting. "He's not a man of many words, but he loves his job and food and you more."


After most family and friends left, you hoped Jungkook was still around. You were searching for him and bumped into Yuna.

"Hey. Are you leaving?"

"Yeah, I'm heading back with Joon."

"Okay. Have a good night," you said as you were ready to return in the other direction to find Jungkook.

The two of you had little interaction since dinner tonight. She and Namjoon were busy mingling with the crowd while you were running around like a chicken with your head cut off to ensure everything would go smoothly.


You stopped in your tracks, turning back around. "Yeah? What's up?"

Yuna tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Nervously, she said, "I, um, just wanted to say thank you for tonight and thank you for the speech. I know it was last minute, and I put you on the spot."

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