Bonus ~ Netflix and...

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A monthly tradition you continued to hold with Yuna was your girl's movie night. You didn't know how long it would keep going since Yuna would be marrying Namjoon but you hoped it could go as long as it could. The two of you had completely different tastes in terms of movie genres. While she preferred fantasy, thriller, horror, you preferred romance and comedy.

The popcorn, snacks, and drinks were ready for the night, and the movie was chosen. It was an oldie, but an all-time favorite of yours - 10 Things I Hate About You. You pretty much had a love affair with curly-haired Heath Ledger in your head for months, maybe years after watching it for the first time. It wasn't Oscar-worthy but it brought back a lot of memories and made you laugh every time you watched it.

It was half past six when you looked at the clock in your living room, wondering where she could be, then you heard a knock on the door. Well speak of the devil....finally, Yuna was here, or so you thought she was. Standing before you when you opened the door, was not your best friend, but her little brother, holding a six pack of beer and fried chicken.

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for movie night." He said it like you should have been expecting him, then he made his way through your doorway.

"Is Yuna coming?"

"She had a last minute cake tasting or whatever. So she went with Namjoon."

You sighed...a heads up would have been nice. This is what you were worried about, Yuna ditching you for Namjoon. Again, you understood why, she was planning her wedding, marrying the love of her life. All the while, it was a painful reminder that you were alone and honestly, you just needed your best friend.

"What? I can leave if you want." He turned back towards you since you were still standing in the doorway with the door wide open.

"No...stay...sorry, I just wasn't expecting you that's all." And what you said was true, you were expecting a girls night but it's obviously not that, and plus, you looked like a train wreck in a messy bun and sweatpants with holes. You were a bit embarrassed, trying to pull down your sweatshirt to cover it. You shut the door, shuffling through your hallway with your fuzzy bunny socks.

Jungkook set the beer and chicken next to the rest of the snacks, before making himself incredibly comfortable on your sectional. You weren't surprised at all to see him taking over your living room. You rolled your eyes when he took over your favorite spot on the couch - the chaise. And although the girls movie night was crashed by Jungkook, you figured you could still enjoy the night and watch one of your favorite movies.

"What?" Jungkook peered at you with a stupid grin on his face.

"You're in my spot." You said with arms crossed, tapping your fingers against your arm.

He pointed to where he was sitting. "Here? Oh, there's plenty of space." He joked while patting his lap.

You pretended to gag. "Quit it before I kick you out," chirping back at his lame joke.

He let out a soft chuckle. ", what are we watching?"

"My favorite movie." You said with such confidence, it was a bit embarrassing, really.

"10 Things I Hate About You." The two of you spoke at the same time.

It was a work of art, a masterpiece, Shakespeare himself would roll over in his grave if anyone spewed anything else about his work. A shocked expression overtook your face. "Wha--how did you know that?" You asked, taking a seat on the couch next to him.

Jungkook shook his head, grinning. " watched it all the time. I mean...all the time when you came over."

His memory ceased to amaze you. Did you really watch it that often? You had a hard time trying to recollect those years. They seemed like such a blur now.

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