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The day I finally get to step out of this 50x50 ft. metal enclosure. As eager as I was to leave, the place I called home for eighteen years was something I was surely going to miss. The enormous lines of bookshelves that outlined this room were filled with millions of books that taught me everything of the life we humans used to live, back on Earth - nature, school, recreation, everything. I grazed my hand against the beautiful wooden furniture as I looked up at my mastermind computer. The thing that I could call my friend. I could talk to it for hours, search things on it, watch things on it, and basically do whatever I wanted. Placing my hand on the mouse, I dragged my hand to the picture I wanted to be forever in my mind. I wished I had one of those printers that they had in the old times. On the huge screen, I see my family. I felt a burning desire to see them for once in real life, a moment that I will ever hold dear to me. But one can only wish. There was my father, with a smile on his face, wearing a suit. My mother was dressed in a beautiful ruby colored sari. Her jewelry matched her clothing, red stones set into gold as her earrings, and a beautiful diamond necklace on her elegant neck. Though she was smiling, her eyes were rimmed with tears. In their hands was a baby, who I figured was me. My mothers hair was elegantly braided down her back, reaching her thighs. I ran my fingers through my own hair, black and long just like hers. Starting to braid it, I continued to stare at the photograph. My eyes took after my father, wide and dark brown. I always longed to see the twinkle in his eyes that I always saw in the picture.

"Amma, Nanna, [Mom, Dad] " I started to say.

This was normal, talking to things on the screen. Though I was fluent in many languages, I felt like speaking in my mother tongue, Telugu, to my parents was more... respectful almost. But today, I couldn't speak much. The emotions of excitement, sadness, happiness, and many others made me feel overwhelmed.

I walked over to my wardrobe, looking at the many things I had to wear. For today, I stayed in my nightgown, pondering on what to dress in for the big day. Looking at my vast collection of saris, I tried to choose one. One that wasn't too fancy, but not too plain. Rummaging through the closet for what seemed like hours, I still couldn't find one. A gasp escaped my mouth as I found the right one. It looked identical to my mother's. The red sari looked elegant, yet in a way bold. Setting aside diamond earrings with rubies set into them and a matching necklace, I thought about what tomorrow would be like. I would finally be able to meet and see another human in real life. Well except for the time..... I drifted off, thinking about the day that I'd never forget.

It was a normal day and I sat down at the computer, ready for my classes. This was like school, but it was just me and the computer as my teacher.

"Today, India, you will be learn -" the automated voice fizzed out.

A boy appeared on the screen.

" Why, hello! I am Ecuador," he said, sounding quite startled.

" I'm... India,." I hesitated.

"This is the first time I've actually... wait you are real, right? Not just some computer animation?"

I weakly laughed, still nervous of why this 'Ecuador' was here.

"Yes I'm real. I was just wondering the same thing!"

"Don't worry I am too!"

"This is the first time..."

"That I've actually met a real person!" we simultaneously concluded.

Hours passed on, as both of us continued to learn about each other. I wished that this would never end. Though it was a malfunction, it turned out to be amazing.

"I just wondered..." Ecuador nervously said, fidgeting with his shirt.


"Will we ever see each other again?"

"I hope so. Promise me that you'll come back or at least try to."

"I will," he said, with a shake of his head in agreement. " We're friends, right?"

" Friends forever!" I finalized.

We both laughed and then his face disintegrated from the screen.

I snapped out of my reverie, looking at the time. It always passed so quickly, not sparing any mercy this time. Realizing that it was already 9:30, I got ready for bed, not wanting to have bags under my eyes tomorrow. As I walked over to my bed, a dark blue box appeared on my bedstand. Eager to open it, I snatched it, only to see a note on top.

       Wear it tomorrow.

When We Unite (Book #1) [Original version]Where stories live. Discover now