// Chapter 1 //

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I twisted the golden bracelet on my arm, waiting for the past hour. The bracelet that was in the box, the one that I hoped was what my parents left me. Itseemed to foreshadow something will happen now.My red sari stuck to me. I had already looked around for a chair, but there wasn't one. Not wanting to spoil my sari, I stayed standing.I was the first one here. I saw no one else. The only reasonable explanation I could think of was that they were all late. The one that could be true, but probably isn't? They're all dead.

"Hello? Anyone here?" I hear a voice, echoing through the walls.This new place looked the same as the one I used to live in, except it was bigger. The walls seemed to be coated in metal and iron. They were impossible to break through. A figure with blonde hair and blue eyes walked toward me.

"Hi! For now, it's just you and me," I said to the girl, who now stood in front of me. She was wearing a yellow sundress."Oh. I was expecting so many more people," she said.

"I did too. I hope that they'll all show up. My computer told me that there should be exactly one hundred and ninety-six people."

"Mine did too. Only seven others said that they would be here."

"Really? I wonder what happened to the other five. Anyways, I'm India."


"Nice to meet you America. It seems to me that we'll be good friends." Just as we engaged ourselves into a conversation about our lives, a different voice speaks."Hey guys! I'm Germany," it said.I turn my head away from America to see another who was joining our group. He looked about 19, a year older than me. He had dark brown hair and tan skin. He was also a few inches taller than me. He didn't look beefy, but he wasn't skinny either. So this was Germany. "I'm India," I said to him, extending my arm.Germany took my hand and seemed to take me in."And I'm America!" America cheerfully added. Germany glanced at her and released his hand. But his gaze came back to me. Thankfully, America started talking and soon we were enjoying ourselves. "So Germany? How was your life back in the pod?" I asked, only to see our last member arrive. The tan colored teenager that had dirty-blonde hair, sky-blue eyes, was a little taller than Germany, and had a goofy grin on his face could be recognized by me anywhere. Ecuador. Ecuador seemed to take in America and Germany. Finally his eyes locked with mine. We dashed toward each other. Ecuador pulled me into a deep embrace and ran his fingers through my hair."India," he whispered.I could feel the stare of Germany on my back. But why did I care? Ecuador was here. "You kept your promise," I whispered back."Of course I did! Since when have I broken a promise?" Ecuador teasingly said back, knowing that this was the only promise he ever made to anyone.I pulled away from Ecuador."Ummmm?" Germany awkwardly said."Oh, right. Germany and America this is Ecuador," I cleared up."How did you guys meet?" Germany questioned."Computer malfunction. I saw Ecuador on the screen and we conversed for a few hours before he disappeared." "So you two are just friends?" Germany hopefully asked."I think so," I mischievously said, eying Ecuador, who had started laughing."Sorry to break the fun, but what are we actually supposed to do now?" America interrupted.Ecuador and America started their own talk about what they thought our whole purpose here was supposed to be, while Germany and I started to peruse the metal enclosure that surrounded us."Ouch!" I whisper-yelled at Germany.Pain from my toe ran through my body. My eyes watered, as I tried not to cry. He glanced over at me, worried. We moved our eyes simultaneously down to the spot that I tripped over. There, in the middle of the area, a dust covered book lay in the midst. "Great! Well not the fact that you tripped and stubbed your toe, but that you found this," Germany eagerly said, picking up the book. Together, we blew the dust off, as Germany helped me sit against the wall. I turned the heavy cover, then the first page, to only be greeted by burnt paper. The only words in the whole book we cipher were helpful, though, as far as purpose.

You have made an achievement coming this far. I'm surprised that you have surprised till your 18th birthday. All the survivors will gather in this location where you have arrived. Divide into two groups. Know that these two groups are going to engage in a mini-war to see who will make it back to Earth and re-civilize it. The most valuable words I can give you? f...

The rest of the words were smudged. Raucous erupted through the room, booming through the walls. I glanced up. A group of four others appeared. One of the boys rolled his neck and cracked his knuckles, looking reluctant to be here. His angry expression shot holes through my face. Germany helped me up. I propped up against his shoulder and we awkwardly wobbled into the crowd. Introductions began. "I'm Britain." A slim, auburn-haired boy stepped out and bowed politely. His dark, long eyelashes seemed like a dream. But I quickly snapped into reality and gazed at the others."I'm Spain." This eighteen-year-old had dark hair framing his fierce-looking face. He was sort of muscular and he looked like he could kill us."I'm Australia," A red-haired teen stepped out bravely and he seemed even skinnier than Britain."I'm Korea." The last of them was a short girl with straight black hair. She was a bit pudgy, but she always seemed to be cheerful.Words were thrown everywhere. I needed some attention though. I needed to start arranging us all to start for what we've apparently prepared for. Clearing my throat, I started speaking."Hello everyone. We have to arrange ourselves into groups of four. I will tell you further instructions later. First, let's vote on two team leaders, or captains."Germany cast an approving glance at me. Then he came over and stood next to me."Raise your hand for the vote. First, who votes India?"Surprisingly everyone shot their hands up in the air. Since when was I fit to be a leader?"Okay, then. India you're one of the leaders. Wasn't that easy?"Laughter erupted in the room. "Now who votes Britain?" three hands."Spain?" five hands."Australia?" four hands."Korea?" four hands. Nervousness swept over me. Either Spain was going to be captain, or one of the few friends I made were going to be my sworn enemy."America?" four hands.I took in a deep breath."Ecuador?" four hands.I felt like I was going to faint. Leaning against the metal bar, I prayed, hoping that Germany wouldn't be my rival."And last but not least, me?" five hands."And so there's a tie," I calculated, my voice shaking.Germany stepped up in front of me. "I vote Spain to be the captain, not me," he announced. I sighed a sigh a relief. I could have kissed him then and there. But now we had to pick who was on our teams."Germany," I quickly took him, not wanting to lose him."Britain," Spain selected."America.""Australia.""Ecuador.""Then, the only one left. Korea," Spain spat out. I worried for her, wondering if he was going to kill Korea himself.I started talking once more."We are going to have a war with each other. The winner gets to go to Earth, our home planet, where we establish a new government. Sadly, no. We can't switch teams."

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